LET’S MAKE A DEAL: Tech Give-Away!

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LET’S MAKE A DEAL: Tech Give-Away!

On Monday’s episode of “Let’s Make a Deal”, the show will have an Apple ipad up for grabs. The show was shot only a couple of days after the release of the ipad.

See if host Wayne Brady is successful at giving away an ipad on “Let’s Make a Deal”, this Monday.

Host, Wayne Brady gives two different contestants the opprotunity to take what’s inside a box brought onto stage by announcer and sidekick, Johnathan Mangum or answer a number of clues that could result in winning the prize valued at $499. Which deal do you think they took?

This particular show had Brady enjoying onstage antics consisting of a go-cart type of prop, and putting an audience heckler in his place. The heckler yelled “Wah-wah-wah” in his reaction to a contestant’s response to a question from Brady. Brady called the heckler out and said, “You never seen Monty Hall do that!”.

Don’t expect to see that in the televised version airing Monday, May 10th.



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