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August 3, 2024
A Turn of Events on CLAIM TO FAME Season 3 Week 5 Recap
August 8, 2024A Whole Lot of Sheep on THE BACHELORETTE 21 Week 5 Recap!
The eleven men left on “The Bachelorette” were awaiting Jenn to start the Cocktail Party. Week five picked up where last week’s episode left off. Jenn’s ex-boyfriend Matthew, who remained friends with her, made a surprise visit to request to join the group of men that she was already dating on the show.
The men had yet to find this out when the Cocktail Party started. Dylan said that this was the first Cocktail Party with “no drama.” Little did he know what was about to transpire! Viewers also got TWO Rose Ceremonies in this episode!

Matt had traveled to Auckland, New Zealand from Boston (on his own dime) to see Jenn. She was really struggling on what to do after he told her he was ready to get engaged and he really loves her. She questioned why he had not brought this up sooner especially since they stayed friends after their breakup. Because of that, the whole situation was a bit suspect.
Matthew really took Jenn for a loop when he told her that he loves her because she said no one has ever said that to her before. But, she later tells the men that it was the right words, but from the “wrong person.”
So, yes, Jenn sent Matt back to Boston. The men were relieved and this re-confirmed what they had thought about Jenn all along, of being a strong woman and confident that her future husband is one of them.
Before he headed out, Matt stopped-by to see the men, and this was both awkward and unnecessary. It was a good thing that he left, because before that, Devin was considering throwing in the towel if Jenn let Matt stay. He said it would have devalued the rose that she gave in tremendously.
It was on to the Rose Ceremony!

Pictured: JONATHON J., JENN TRAN; Photo: DISNEY/John Fleenor
Jenn gave roses to: Grant, Jeremy, Jonathon, Spencer, Dylan, Austin.
Men who already had roses: Marcus, Sam M., Devin
Men who went home: John, Thomas
After that, only nine men remained and still a few of them who had yet to have a one-on-one date with Jenn. They included Jeremy, Jonathon, Grand and Austin. It was Jonathon who got the one-on-one date card that read: “It’s time for our love to take flight.” Jonathon is afraid of heights, by the way!
Jonathon, who hates heights, was fearful when he saw that they were getting into a helicopter. The two flew out of Auckland and to a nearby island.
After spending some time in a hot tub, Jonathon was ready to open up to Jenn about some personal “topics.” Similar to Sam’s situation, Jonathon was also previously engaged. His ex started abusing alcohol during their engagement and lied about him “abusing” her. She yelled at him to “get out!” That’s how his relationship with her ended.
Jonathon said going through that “destroyed” him to his core. Coming out of an abusive relationship as well, Jenn could relate to Jonathon’s past.
Back at the hotel: The next date card arrived which was a group date. The names on the card were: Devin, Sam, Marcus, Spencer, Jeremy, Dylan, Austin. “Love is messy. – Jenn” That meant that Grant was getting the next one-on-one date. This dashed the hopes of both Austin and John building a connection with Jenn.
Back to Jonathon and Jenn: This next reveal from Jonathon was somewhat confusing. He talked about being raised by a single mom who gave birth to his sister at 17-years-old. She had him at 20, and his brother at 27. Did she stay single throughout each pregnancy? We aren’t sure. Anyway, Jenn gave Jonathon the date rose.
Sheep Herding Next!

Jen welcomed the group of seven men on a sheep farm. The owners were on hand to show the men how to shear sheep. But, before that, they turned them into free laborers by having them shovel all the sheep manure! Lol. This was like home for Sam M who said he was raised on a farm. He was confident that this was going to be a cakewalk for him.
The men had to corral the sheep which was a chaotic mess! All of these obstacles were part of a challenge that the winner was chosen by the farm owners who were looking for a “great farmer” and someone who would be a “great partner.” The farm owners chose Devin. The men were so annoyed. Especially since Devin abandoned his farming duties to go talk to Jenn in private.

Pictured: JENN TRAN, DEVIN; Photo: DISNEY/John Fleenor
Jeremy asked Devin if he thought he deserved winning “Farmer of the Day.” Devin said it was more about “initiative” Jermey shot Devin a stone faced evil eye in response, showing that he was not happy.
Austin was experiencing jitters due to not feeling a connection with Jenn yet. He stole Jenn away from Dylan for some alone time to talk in private. He told her that he didn’t think it was fair to her or to the other guys to continue on the show. Austin said goodbye to Jenn.
In her confessional, Jenn said she wants to be enough for somebody and she wasn’t enough for Austin. Then Jenn worried if she was maybe not enough for Marcus, or Devin, etc… Jenn felt that she “failed” after Austin went home. She was self aware that it’s hard for her to be vulnerable with the guys because it makes her feel “weak and insecure.” She told the men that the incident with Austin brought back to old feelings of not being good enough.
The men chatted to Jenn to build her back up. Sam told her “we see our wife as well.” Because each man talked to Jenn to make her feel better, she decided not to give out a rose which would have singled one guy out since they all deserved a rose.
Jenn took Grant on a date of horseback riding. The two rode the horses over to a beautiful beach shore for a romantic picnic on the beach until it started raining. In his confessional interview, Grant said his feelings are growing deeper for Jenn.
During dinner, things got more personal between Jenn and Grant when he told her about growing up with a father who was an alcoholic. Currently his dad is two months sober. Jenn said her experience working in the ER has taught her that addiction is a sickness.
Grant said he wants to be the man that his dad wasn’t. Jenn could relate because she came from a broken home after her parents split. Jenn said Grant has a lot of the things that she’s looking for and gave him the date rose.
Going into the Cocktail Party, Grant and Jonathon already had roses. Out of nowhere, Grant told the other men that he feels like he’s falling in love with Jenn. Dylan was feeling like he was treading on thin ice because he hadn’t made a strong connection with Jenn yet. The rest of the men didn’t like hearing about Grant falling in love.
Jenn told the men that she knew exactly what she was looking for and didn’t feel it necessary to have a Cocktail Party. Mind you, only one man would be going home this week. So, in the end, we’re wondering why Jenn even had a Rose Ceremony this week? It would have been more tasteful to either forego the Rose Ceremony, or say goodbye to the one guy in private.
The first rose went to Sam M. Then… Devin, Marcus, Jeremy, Spencer.
And just like that, Dylan was sent home. During his ride home, Dylan said it felt like Jenn was right for him. It hurts and “it’s disappointing.”
We feel bad for Dylan and hope to see him next year on “Bachelor in Paradise”!

Pictured: SAM M., JENN TRAN; Photo: DISNEY/John Fleenor