PROJECT RUNWAY: Season 10, Episode 7 Sneak-Peek!
August 28, 2012
THE RICKI LAKE SHOW: Grown-Up A Little! Sneak-Peek!
August 29, 2012“America’s Got Talent” returned tonight with the semi-final acts in its mission to making artists dreams come true of performing in front millions of viewers and celebrity judges Howard Stern, Sharon Osbourne and Howie Mandel in the pursuit of winning $1 million and a head line act in Las Vegas.
Andrew De Leon
Howie Mandel reacted to Andrew’s performance, “I think Andrew did very well. You hit every note. You don’t have formal training. Formal training would help right now.” Howard Stern said, “I don’t know what to say to Andrew. There are times were it gets strange. Andrew has a great personal story. I almost wonder if it would help if you had formal training” because it’s Opera. Sharon Osbourne said, “I have been studying your vocal performance,” Osbourne said after watching his performance again last week, he “was off”, and she goes on, “I would just like to give you a word of advice. Try taking this off (referring to his makeup) and people will take you much more serious. How about that?”
Eric Dittleman’s performance tonight brought judge Howard Stern up onto the AGT stage. When his performance was over, host Nick Cannon said, “get your little romance together so we can vote”. Howie Mandel said, “You can control America, but you can’t get a girlfriend to move out of your house. More people ask about you than any other act.” Stern’s honest reaction was, “I was a little bit bored tonight, but I was not bored with this!” Dittleman responded, “If you put me through the finale I’ll have a finale for you!” Nick Cannon said, “You’re going to make a girlfriend appear!”
The next performance of the second hour was Turf. Howie Mandel said that he thinks that Turf is the best dancer in the competition and deserves to go all the way. Howard Stern said, I hope you do get votes, but said he was worried if people have seen more of the same thing.
Todd Oliver’s act consisted of a “Tonight Show” theme where Oliver sat behind a desk with his dog, Char, sitting on a couch delivering punch lines. Osbourne said “Fantastic…you had confidence. Well done.” Mandel said, “you are possibly a headline act.” Stern said, “not possibly, you ARE a headline act. You are a professional. Only three acts can go through. This act deserves to go through.”
Donovan opened the act by balancing Rebecca on his shoulder. Stern said “this is a spectacular, spectacular act. The strength of this act is Rebecca is so strong, she’s wearing heels and lifting Donovan. You stuck to the strength. Here’s the problem, in TV, it doesn’t translate so well.” Osbourne – “I am just so wowed. I’ve never seen abs like that on a women.” Mandel said, “you certainly deserve to be one of the three acts that goes through. AGT is the only place you can see an act like this. I’ve never seen an act like this!”
Edon’s singing while playing the piano act finished to a standing ovation from the audience while chanting his name after he performed “One Direction” song “You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful”. Mandel reacted, “You are the best singer in this competition!” Stern said, “I can imagine that a lot of 13-year-old girls are going to be voting for you tonight. I was a little bored by that song. I think you might have made it a littler bit rougher on yourself. Osbourne said the performance was “spot on” and “age appropriate”.
Scott Brothers performed a mime act under black-light style effects while in a glass-like box which they broke out of. Stern said, “I love what you guys do. I happen to think you’re the best dance act we have. Because you always bring something different. Having said that this time it’s started to feel very similar. I think we’ve seen that best of what you have.” Osbourne said, “you know that you guys are the masters of what you do. It’s a really hard week.” Mandel said, “what you need is one move. People are still talking about walking around the hat. You needed that one move.”
Mandel reacted to Close’s act which he performed tonight with his wife, “There are not words to describe this. You are our favorite I hope the people at home can feel the vibration! It would be a crime if the people at home don’t vote for you!”
“It’s unbelievable what you bring to us…every time!”, said Osbourne. Stern said, “I saw you the first time and I knew you were a star. Everything is original. You are a front-runner. You are doing it by the book and you are winning.”
Howie Mandel compared Joe Castillo to “The Beatles
Bria Kelly performed with less nerves during this show. Osbourne reacted, “you’ve got great pipes, but that song is so great it needs so much more emotion in it.” Mandel responded with “you have to blow the roof off the place. You are surrounded by super talent tonight.” Stern said, “I think you did stand-out. Your voice hit the notes. Technically your voice was stronger than anyone else who sang tonight.”
“Academy of Villains” dance in front of a changing video screen with explosives and laser type lights. A lead singer took to a microphone and sang. The act finished with the releasing of red balloons. Audience and judges Mandel and Osbourne gave them a standing ovation. Osbourne said it was because it’s so hard to choreograph in general and it’s impressive for a thirty member act. Mandel said “you are my favorite dance troupe from any season of America’s Got Talent.” Stern said “I’m afraid I’m going to rain on the parade. I got a little bit bored through it. You’re up again a lot of good talent tonight. I don’t think you did well enough to go through. But, I wish you the best of luck in your career.”