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August 23, 2024Closing-in on Adam! CLAIM TO FAME Season 3 Week 6 Recap
Last week’s “Claim to Fame” failed attempt to get Adam out of the house was due to Hud and Adam not picking his clue. No one still has any clues to who Adam is. After Danny’s clue was selected instead, making him the sure bet, Dedrick decided to go out on his own and target Adam.
What resulted was Dedrick’s celebrity getting exposed as Michael Jackson, which everyone already knew! This week, the witch hunt continues to get Adam out.
MacKenzie made plans to get Shane’s clue since he had hers and the race was on to try to get him out before he figured out who her celebrity is. Hud decided to fake that he really did pull Adam’s clue last week and he was just waiting to show Shane and Danny. After a slip-up, it seemed Shane and Danny may be onto Hud’s lie.
Claim to Fame Investigation Board

Pictured (l-r):
MACKENZIE, HUD, SHANE, ADAM; Photo: DISNEY/Christopher Willard
This game had contestants connect a series of Pop Culture questions and answers all the way down to the single remaining connection to their celebrity relatives. The winner of each round gets a random clue that they get to keep. Hud won the first round and was given (possibly) Shane’s clue. This clue read “This actor’s character played an integral part in helping save Superman’s life as an infant in the original film.”
It was very vague as to who the celebrity is. If it’s really the actor who played Superman’s alien dad, then that actor is Marlon Brando. The “Claim to Fame” contestants will never figure this out. Looks like Shane has an excellent chance at winning this season.

Pictured (l-r): SHANE, MARLON BRANDO
Shane got Adam’s clue, but didn’t realize it. He thought it was a clue for MacKenzie. Big mistake! MacKenzie, on the other hand, won the third round and got lucky when she was given her own clue. Hud ended up being the big winner and was given the last clue which most likely was for Danny.

Pictured (l-r): HUD, ADAM; Photos: DISNEY/Christopher Willard
BEFORE The Guess-Off:
Danny and Shane were the bottom two. The bad news was that there was once again, no immunity this week. Hud was set on pulling Adam’s clue, although Adam tried to convince him to pull Shane’s clue to give to Danny to get him out of the house.
MacKenzie was a wreck knowing that Shane was most likely going to figure out her celebrity relative. Well…he didn’t! Because when she asked him who he thought her celebrity is, he said “Blake Shelton” and credited the clue from earlier in the challenge as helping him to arrive at that. LOL!
MacKenzie pretended that Shane had the correct celebrity. He told her that the plan was to vote to have Danny as the Guesser. Next, Hud entered the Wine Cellar to pull his “Winner’s Clue.”
The last two clues left were Shane’s and Adam’s. After Adam tried to “body block” Hud during the challenge, Hud most definitely decided to pull Adam’s clue in an effort to get him out. The clue was “long haired 90’s star who sang love ballads.”

Pictured: HUD; Photo: DISNEY/Christopher Willard
NOT Related to an Actor!
It was while Danny and Shane decoded the clue that they realized that Adam is not related to an actor, but a singer! Shane actually had another part of Adam’s clue from the challenge, but still did not realize it!
Hud did not trust himself to hide the clues well. So, he made them into the nastiest smoothie, which Adam drank. Gross! Adam was hoping that he would digest the clues and he’d have an idea of “who’s in this house.”

Pictured (l-r): DANNY, SHANE; Photo: DISNEY/Christopher Willard
The Voto Booth voting revealed a unanimous vote for Danny to be the Guesser who targeted MacKenzie. After MacKenazie led Shane on to believe that Blake Shelton was her celebrity relative, Danny was certain he had the perfect target. But, he was wrong.
When hosts Kevin and Franklin Jonas asked Danny what led him to believe it was Blake Shelton, Danny gave away what MacKenzie’s clue was. Turns out, it’s actually someone Adam thinks he knows!! Oh, Nooo!
So, now Adam is pretty sure who MacKeznie is thanks to Danny! Danny’s relative was revealed to be Marc Anthony, which was who everyone in the house thought it was all along. Miguel Daniel is Danny’s full name.

Pictured: Danny’s Uncle, Marc Anthony
After the Guess-Off:
Closing-in on Adam’s Celebrity!

Pictured: Adam’s Clue
Shane was boggling his mind on who Adam’s clue pointed to. All he could come up with was “the guy from Rock of Love,” who is Bret Michaels. Shane couldn’t remember his name. That’s also why the “Claim to Fame” game gives out multiple clues related to each other throughout the course of the show.
It may seem like it’s Bret Michaels. However, when you put the other clue that Shane got during this week’s challenge, that this celebrity sang with Kelly Clarkson on her talk show, you come up with someone else all together! Michael Bolton. This also makes sense because in episode one, Adam said his singing voice sounds just like his celebrity’s. Now that we know, his speaking voice does too! Adam SOLVED!

Pictured (l-r): ADAM, MICHAEL BOLTON