Coaches Have a New Button on THE VOICE Season 26 Sneak-Peek!

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Coaches Have a New Button on THE VOICE Season 26 Sneak-Peek!

Pictured (l-r): Snoop Dogg, Michael Buble -- Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC

Country star and legend Reba McEntire is back on “The Voice” for her third season in a row, coming off of season 25 crowned as the winning coach with her soul singer Asher HaVon.

Reba is joined by a ‘Voice veteran Gwen Stefani, and new-comers: a very smooth rhythmic Snoop Dogg, and a much excited bubbly crooner Michael Buble, or “Mikey” as Snoop calls him!


Starting from Blake Shelton’s old chair (far right) is Snoop Dogg; to his right is Reba; to her right is Gwen Stefani; on the far left end (John Legend’s chair) is Michael Buble.

Coaches’ Seating Order. Snoop Dogg, Reba McEntire, Gwen Stefani, Michael Buble. Photo NBC


Michael Buble brought oversized long sleeve racing style shirts with the number “26” and “Team Buble” on the back.  Gwen’s gift was a full two piece lounge jogger and hoodie set also in a racing style.  Team Reba didn’t have food this time.  But a bobblehead of herself instead!  And, Snoop Dogg, staying on brand, gave out thick gold chain “Death Row” necklaces for his Team members.

Pictured: (l-r)Snoop Dogg, Reba McEntire, Gwen Stefani, Michael Buble — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC


Gwen wore a sparkly two piece camouflage set with silver shoes; Reba wore a white glittery jacket with black pants and black cowboy boots; Michael was in traditional Buble fashion which is a white shirt, black tie and leather jacket.  Snoop Dogg wore a grey two piece tracksuit, and signature lightly tinted sunglasses.

The first part of this tape day had a lot of talented artists auditioning who all got chair turns.  But, as the hours progressed, fewer chair turns happened.  One such occurrence was with an artist who sang a Fleetwood Mac song. 

She was so good that Buble said while his back was turned away from her he thought that the coaches were being “punked” by the real Stevie Nicks.  He said he has sung with Stevie and she sounds just like her.  But, that was a problem because the coaches don’t want a mimic of another artist.  They want voices that sound original.  They all advised her to come back to sing a different song.

On the extreme opposite end of the scale, one very young singer came out and really won over both Gwen and Snoop Dogg to the point where they wanted to use “The Voice” brand new game play!  It’s a new coaches button.  Only one of the coaches beat the other one to the button.


It’s very surprising that “The Voice” producers waited this long to finally add in a new game play feature. As viewers, many times we see talent that we are sure the coaches regretted not turning for and who we’d also like to see on the show.

Well, the show has finally remedied that situation by adding a “Coaches’ Replay Button.”  This gives coaches the power to add an artist to their Team during the Blind Auditions round if they didn’t initially turn their chair for them.

Here’s how it all played out on the day that Hollywood Junket visited the set. 

A 14-year-old singer didn’t make the cut, getting zero chair turns.  After the Blind Audition when the coaches were able to see this young artist, Gwen was so impressed after talking with him.  She felt motivated to use the new “Coaches Replay Button.”  Snoop looked slightly annoyed, like he was planning on doing the same.  But, Gwen beat him to it.

When it was Snoop’s turn to talk, that was indeed his reaction.  Snoop said he was glad that Gwen used her Replay button because “honestly,” he was going to use it on this young singer.  Snoop added that during the audition, he thought it was a woman singing.

Gwen thought that same because when she saw who was standing on stage after the chairs turned, she was shocked!  Gwen asked, “Did they switch out people?”  She asked if it was really him singing?  He answered, yes.

Gwen was so excited to have him on her team, because she sees similarities in him and  Carter Rubin, who was a teenage male singer that she won with in season 19.

Pictured (l-r): Snoop Dogg, Michael Buble — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC


There Were Blocks!

There was Mor!  Mor is a 20-year-old singer, though as Gwen pointed out, looks more like 15 or 16!  He sang a Country song by Dylan Schneider.  He has a very unique voice that stood out.

So…Michael Buble apparently BLOCKED Reba McEntire from getting Mor on her team!  Reba was steaming mad when she figured it out.  Buble said he Blocked Mor from the biggest and best Country artist singer of all time.

Reba did state that maybe she can Steal Mor later down the line. The amazing thing about Mor was when he revealed that it was his first time performing on stage.
There was another spat between Buble and Reba when a Spanish singer auditioned!  Her vocals skills were top notch and she’s definitely a belter.  It was also her first time on stage.  The coaches were very impressed and all except for one coach turned.  Michael fought hard for her, speaking in Spanish.  Reba asked, “Is that against the rules?”  Apparently not!

Gwen Called it “Weird”!

Another artist, Danny, told the coaches that he’s from London, England and currently living in Dallas, Texas.  Gwen called it “weird” that he’s from London, now living in Dallas!  Danny is a little bit older out of the group of Blind Auditions that day.  He sang a classic rock song and commanded the stage in a big way.  He was the first four-chair-turn of the day.  Gwen tried to woo Danny over with her new Country roots, living in Oklahoma. 

Danny told the coaches the story of how he had a nightmare the night before his Blind Audition that no one turned.  So, during his actual Blind Audition, he had his eyes closed and thought that his voice sounded really shaky.  

He said when the audience started to cheer and clap, he thought they were told to do so by the audience warm-up guy. So, he didn’t even realize that anyone turned until he was done. 

SPOILER ALERT!!  There’s Another Trio.  This trio group is called “323” and they sang a Britney Spears song.  They meet in a church group.  Reba, who talked about how she used to sing in the McEntire trio group when she started-out,  won them over against Michael Buble.

Gwen vs. Michael

Pictured: Pictured: Gwen Stefani, Michael Buble — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC

A 19-year-old artist, Sloan, auditioned with the song “Unwritten” because it’s her Dad’s favorite song who couldn’t make it to her audition due to being treated for cancer.  While on stage, Sloan was subtly fanning out over Gwen Stefani.  She told Gwen that her mom helped her with her audition outfit which was inspired by Gwen.  A glittery skirt and instead of a heart top, she chose her own style.

Michael actually spoke to Sloan first, telling her it was his wedding anniversary that day.  When it was Gwen’s turn she asked Sloan if she hates a liar.  Sloan answered “yes.”   Then Gwen told her it is actually HER wedding anniversary.

Gwen was over the moon about Sloan, stating that she loves to take young girls under her wing to coach because she’s already lived the dream, and wants to pass it on to a younger person. 

Then There was Frank..I Mean Edward!

Every season, there’s at least one old-style singer who auditions.  It happened last season with an artist who didn’t get any chair turns.  But, then last season, they didn’t have Michael Buble.  So, when Edward auditioned with a Frank Sinatra song, singing in that old style, of course it got Michael’s attention.

Edward wore a suit, very on brand for his crooner vibe.  Buble told him that he’s “very picky” with that genre.  Because when he was starting out, he found himself “imitating” Sinatra and similar singers of that style.  Buble went on to state that he didn’t find his own signature “Buble” style until later.  He’s very protective of that style of singing. 

Snoop acknowledged that Edward was part of “Buble’s world.”  Buble responded to that comment by saying “the crazy thing is that it’s all the same world.”  Because ultimately Jazz has roots in all music including Hip-Hop. 

Edward came off somewhat cocky when he said he didn’t know anything about Michael Buble and that Snoop was his “second choice.”  Wow!  It was all good, because Snoop still gave him a handshake.

We’ve Got Smoke This Season!

Pictured: Snoop Dogg — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC

Snoop Dogg is not only famous for being a rapper and producer, he’s also well-known for being a cannabis connoisseur  For that reason, one of the show’s added props this season is for Snoop which is a smoke machine that blows smoke out onto the stage! 

Snoop had some other very unforgettable moments.  One artist who didn’t get any chair turns brought a gift for her potential coach.  It was a red vest that she and her boyfriend made with “The Voice” on the back.  

Even though she got no chair turns, she said she still wanted to gift it to a coach.  Because the vest was giving “Snoop vibes,” she gave the hand made vest to Snoop Dogg who in return he gave her one of his chains that he was giving out to his team members.

One Country artist who didn’t get a chair turn was from Tallahassee, Florida.  Snoop said when he’s in town he’d like to check out his coffee shop that he owns.  Snoop asked what kind of “Herbal” tea he has.  The artist said Camomile!

“The Voice” season 26 premieres Monday, September 23, 2024 on NBC and streaming next day on Peacock.



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