Kayaks, Caves, and Bushes on RACE TO SURVIVE: NEW ZEALAND Episode 5 Recap

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Kayaks, Caves, and Bushes on RACE TO SURVIVE: NEW ZEALAND Episode 5 Recap

Pictured: Creighton Baird -- Photo by: Brian Finestone/USA Network

At the opening of episode five, it’s day 22 of 40 on the “Race to Survive: New Zealand.”  All of the remaining seven teams began Race 3 at the same starting point and made a dash for the crate holding the details of this next leg in the race.

The teams got the run-down of the rules and lay of the land for Race 3.  In the note, they were also forewarned that if a team decides to “tap out” it does NOT necessarily save a team from elimination.  The same as we saw in Race 2.

Ashley was still struggling through an injured ankle.  However, the team that ends up going home this week will be surprising! 

Pictured: (l-r) Ashley Paulson, Rhandi Ohrme — Photo by: Brian Finestone/USA Network

Each Team for Themselves!

This race course had only one food cache.  All of the teams except one, went for the food.  That one team who didn’t were in-laws and hunters Ryan and Bronsen who headed to the cave first after going through the forest.

This strategy straight away gave them a lead advantage.  While on their way to the food cache, other teams, such as Creighton and Paulina continued to test their compatibility while Tyrie and Ethan missed the mark altogether by one mile!

No surprise, forerunners Oliver and Corry were the first to arrive at the cache (second place in the race), followed by Coree and Jeff, then Creighton and Paulina coming in after that.  Then, Ashley and Rhandi soon followed in fifth place.  

It was unusual, as Creighton vocally stated, to see so many people at a food cache all at the same time!   While heading off to the next navigation, Coree fell for a third time and hit his head again. 

The next feat in the race had injured Ashley and her teammate Rhandi, just beating Creighton and Paulina for third place by seconds.  An incident that Creighton expressed his frustration and disappointment with Paulina.

Pictured: Creighton Baird — Photo by: Brian Finestone/USA Network

After this very real conversation, the exes were up and headed out again, proceeding to the next part in the race, the cave.   Creighton was worried that the three seconds difference between them and “the moms” (Ashley and Rhandi) might cost them the race.

Meantime, Ryan and Bronsen, followed by Corry and Oliver were navigating their way through the narrow crevices of a 600 feet deep, challenging cave.

Creative Navigation!

For the first time, Ethan and Tyrie were in danger of being in last place.  Oliver and Corry, who were in second place after Ryan and Bronsen, decided to ride the “Geo fence” to the next phase of the race.  The “Geo fence” are markers set for the teams’ safety.

Though riding the Geo fence put Oliver and Corry at a two mile disadvantage, it ultimately placed the guys first at reaching the next portion of the race, the canyon.  

However, not in time to start it. The rules stated that there must be at least three hours of race left before beginning the canyon portion. 

Ethan and Tyrie pulled out of last place after gaining a lead over Kennedy and Nik while passing them through the forest after escaping the cave.

Creighton and Paulina’s strategy of navigating through the forest was to follow the animal game path and trapper trails. 

Due to Coree’s increasing head pain from his fall, he and Jeff dropped down to last place.  Coree noted that his head wasn’t getting better the whole day and said “today might be my last day.”

Coree and Jeff made the tough decision to pull out of the race.  There are now six teams remaining. 

And Then, There Were Six!

Ethan and Tyrie made their way up from last to third before the race day ended.   Oliver and Corry were disappointed to see Ethan and Tyriee pull their way into third place.  Oliver said, “It definitely puts our first place in jeopardy.”

Pictured: (l-r) Spencer “Corry” Jones, Oliver Dev — Photo by: Brian Finestone/USA Network

The next day had the lead three teams going out to start the last leg of this race which was kayaking along the coast, while the other three teams fought their way through the canyon.
Ryan and Bronsen were paddling their fastest to get the lead over Oliver and Corry.  Ethan and Tyrie were close behind. 

The episode ended on the last two teams – Kennedy and Nik, along with Ashley and Rhandi hustling to be the first to get to the “challenge canister.”  Doing so guarantees them a five minute lead to the kayaks

“Race to Survive: New Zealand” airs Mondays at 11 pm ET/PT on USA Network.



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