New Telephone Twists on CLAIM TO FAME Season 3 Episode 3 Recap

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New Telephone Twists on CLAIM TO FAME Season 3 Episode 3 Recap

Pictured: MIGUEL; Photo: Disney/Chris Willard

After a double elimination last week which claimed players Gracie Lou, and Jill, there are only eight players left in that aftermath on “Claim to Fame,” hosted by Kevin and Frankie Jonas brothers.

The contestants in the house were discussing the deception from Gracie Lou who was passing herself off as Country, and Miguel, who pulled a stunt to fool them into thinking he was related to Antonio Banderas.

What they didn’t know is that Miguel aligned with Dedrick to form “the wolf pack” to pull off the successful stunt. 

Pictured (l-r): FRANKLIN JONAS, KEVIN JONAS; Photo: Disney/Chris Willard

Famous Uncles!

Dedrick and Danny sat around telling stories of their Uncle’s displays of fame.  Dedrick said he knew his Uncle was famous when he had a whole Toy R Us store shut down at 2 am in the morning for them to shop in.

Danny said he knew when his Uncle invited him and his cousins to shop at a closed Foot Locker to buy whatever they wanted.

Dedrick’s Uncle was friends with Charlie Sheen who tried to give him a Ferrari.  “But, my Unc couldn’t drive bro,” stated Dedrick.

Good Morning Mr. Jackson!

During breakfast, Naomi, Danny and Adam figured out that Dedrick must be related to Michael Jackson.  Two of the clues on the Clue Wall are bubbles and Giraffe.  Danny said “how much more Neverland do we need?”

Then, when Dedrick walked into their conversation, Naomi greeted him with “good morning Mr. Jackson.”  Dedrick responded that he didn’t know why she called him that and said as long as they don’t call him “Little Richard.” 

Adam thought it was suspect, and with a piano clue also on the Wall, he was sure that Dedrick might indeed be related to Little Richard.


Like It Wasn’t Hard Enough Already!

Pictured (l-r): ADAM, HUD, DANNY, NAOMI, DEDRICK, MACKENZIE, MIGUEL, SHANE; Photo: Disney/Chris Willard

The group of players had to memorize lines from some “puzzling limericks” and tell each other without losing some important information. 

The two team captains were randomly selected the same way as in the last challenge. That was by whoever pulled the colored balls.  This time, they were Danny and Shane!

Team Red was Shane’s team who he called “Team Crispy” and included Naomi, Dedrick, and Miguel.  Team Blue was headed by Danny with Hud, MacKenzie, and Adam.

One newly added twist this season – the player selected to first hear the limerick over the phone heard it through a phone that scrambled the voice. 

The second newly added twist was – the player passing the message on to the next player had to speak it through a megaphone. 

Pictured: ADAM,
MACKENZIE; Photo: Disney/Chris Willard

Then, that player had to go through an obstacle course before passing the message on to the final player.  The last player had to locate props corresponding to the clues and in correct order, AND figure out missing words.

Just like in the last challenge, a Jonas brother was there to moderate the game and let them know if they’re headed in the right direction.  The players were allowed to call for backup if needed. 

The fastest team won.  They were also put on a timer!  Viewers who watched last season will remember that the players took so long with this game that Kevin Jonas had to leave for a scheduled performance and left Frankie in charge alone.  Lol!

Kevin and Frankie also let the contestants know that there were clues in the Limericks. 

Pictured: HUD; Photo: Disney/Chris Willard

MacKenzie reveals that the last limerick in the telephone game is hers!

SPOILER!!!! In fact, MacKenzie stated that the last limerick was her famous relative’s clue!  After dissecting this clue, we can determine that her relative is most likely Johnny Cash!

The clues in the limerick are: pompadour hair, who wrote a “honky tonk song.”  Johnny Cash wore a pompadour hair style and he came out with a song called “Honky Tonk Girl.”

The Results:
The Red team ran out of time, while the Blue team, Danny’s team, finished with time to spare.  That earned Danny safety from elimination along with a Winner’s Clue.

Shane was in the bottom and had to choose one other player to take with him in the Guess Off, right then and there.  He chose Miguel, who’s “a wild card” Shane stated. 

The Bottom Two:

Shane told Miguel that he picked him because it gives him a better chance of not being the Guesser. 

Miguel tried to make a deal with Naomi by asking her to share the clue she pulled last week, which was Hud’s, in exchange he would give her a helpful clue about his own identity.

Naomi’s reaction was that she doesn’t trust him.  It was a NO! 

Pictured: MIGUEL; Photo: Disney/Chris Willard


Danny pulled Dedrick’s clue which he could only figure out the first half of it.  Danny’s reaction to the clue that he pulled was, “How’s it going Mr. Jackson!?” Lol!

Danny consulted with Shane on the clue.  Shane’s reaction was that he does look like he could be one of Jermaine’s kids.  In his confessional, Shane revealed that Michael Jackson is his sister’s Godfather.

Technically, he and Dedrick might be distant family members.  In the meantime, Miguel was freaking-out once again, wrecking his brain to make a solid celebrity connection.  He asked for some help from Dedrick.

Miguel also came to the conclusion that Dedrick is related to Michael Jackson.  However, Adam steered him towards guessing Little Richard for Dedrick. 

Adam may have intentionally led Miguel down the wrong path because we saw some signs of this later in the show.

When Miguel thought that the Giraffe clue was for “Madagascar” for David Schwimmer who he thought was Adam’s relative, Dedrick confessed in his interview that that was actually his clue.


Miguel Gets More Misinformation:

Danny felt bad for Miguel and hoped to create an alliance with him by giving him the limericks. 

After MacKenzie had a chat with Adam, who told her to sway away from David Schwimmer as his celebrity relative, and instead, suggest Matthew McConaughey, she told Miguel. 

Miguel was not 100% confident in MacKenzie and suspected her motives.  That’s when Miguel leaned more towards perhaps guessing Dedrick.

Miguel spoke to Adam who was very convincing in making him think that Little Richard was the correct choice for Dedrick.  Everyone was getting caught up with the clue of Pompadour (which is really MacKenzie’s relative’s clue).



Because they were the bottom two, Shane and Miguel did not vote.  While in the Voto Booth, Dedrick stated that as “his partner” he didn’t think Miguel would shoot at him.

The unanimous vote was for Miguel to be the Guesser. Miguel ended up stabbing his alliance Dedrick in the back by targeting him.

Miguel guessed Little Richard.  Immediately after Miguel made his guess, both Naomi and Adam could be seen laughing about it.  Because of that, it appeared that they intentionally set up Miguel to guess incorrectly.

Miguel revealed that it was Adam who made him think that Dedrick was related to Little Richard.  WRONG!  Thus, Miguel’s relative got revealed!  It was Jamie Lee Curtis, who didn’t have much to say about Miguel.

Miguel’s actual name is Rafael Miguel.  He said Jamie Lee Curtis has been taking care of him and his mom financially during some hard times.

After Miguel’s exit,  Kevin Jonas pointed out that the contestants this season have yet to guess someone’s relative correctly. 

The contestants noticed that too and said that the name of the game now is “don’t be the Guesser.”   Adam didn’t like getting called-out by Miguel.

NEXT WEEK:  The contestants will go through the lie detector test!



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