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October 15, 2012Exclusive Interview!
Just waiting to be a new guilty pleasure for Oxygen viewers, “My Shopping Addiction”, a docu-series is premiering tonight featuring two contrasting shoppers – Roshanda Hill who resides in Los Angeles and Heather, a Las Vegas resident.
While Heather admits that when she goes shopping she “doesn’t look at price tags”, Roshanda says she likes shopping at the “99 Cents” store because she knows everything is automatically going to be 99 cents. And says she laughs at girls that are brand shoppers wearing “Gucci this and Prada that. I’d rather spend $100 on 100 things.”
In the video excerpt, Roshanda says that her spending which is $300 every week at the 99 Cents Store, is getting her in trouble with her friends and bills, then admits, “I would like to get help.” We caught-up with Roshanda to talk to her about the show and how it’s helped her with her addiction in an interview.
Your thoughts on when your friend said your don’t have credit cards, you have friends?
Roshanda said, “At first that situation made me feel a little bad. I didn’t know that they felt that way. I didn’t think they were thinking that I was using them. It’s like for me ‘hey can I borrow money?’ It was a little awkward and hurtful to hear them say that I was using them for money and to go shopping.”
Did your parents’ bargain shopping create your addiction to the 99 Cents Store?
Roshanda said, “I don’t think my parents being bargain shoppers had to do with me becoming a bargain shopper. I’m just that type of girl to spread my money – to get 100 things for $100 for instance and I’m not looking at just one item.” She said, “I want more and I only have a certain amount of money. So for me to get more, I have to shop at the 99 Cents Store.”
What is your favorite 99 Cents Store to shop?
It’s the one in Gardena, California she said because “it’s like really big and they have new supplies once a week. They have the quality- not 99 cents store quality. Things that you’d be able to get at Target or Walmart. It’s clean and organized.” Roshanda explains that the high she gets from shopping at the 99 Cents Store makes her feel like “it’s Christmas”.
Roshanda also said, “I automatically get everything at the 99cent store because I know it’s gong to be 99 cent. I don’t have to worry about waiting to see if a certain item is going to be on sale or if I need a coupon.”
Was there an intervention on the show?
The show had board-certified clinical psychologist Dr. David Tolin, Ph.D., ABPP on the show to help some of the shoppers. Roshanda said he was also present during her intervention. “There is an intervention where my friends came through and Dr Tolin who was there put me through different tests to help me realize that I have a shopping addiction problem.”
What’s your biggest temptation to buy?
She responded, “I don’t turn away , I just buy it.”
What changes have you made since being on the show?
Roshanda said, “Being on the show has helped my addiction. I don’t shop as much at the 99 Cents Store. I’ll make a list and I”ll stick to that list. If I only need a certain amount of things I’ll leave my wallet at home and take only like $20 and I’ll try to go by myself so I’m not tempted to ask friends or family for money.”
She says, however, if she sees something that she really wants, it’s hard not to buy it. “I’m still working on that. But it weighs on my conscious. So if I go back tomorrow and it’s there, it’s meant for me to have it.” She also said that she’ll sometimes put things down at the register before she gets rung-up. But, then other times, “I have to go back and get it. I’m trying to avoid those situations.”
Your number one weakness?
“Everything. Nail polishes is one. If it’s cute and at the 99 Cent Store, it’s only 99 cents, and I’ll get it. It’s only 99 cents- why not?”
“My Shopping Addiction” premiers tonight, Monday, October 15 at 11pm ET/PT on Oxygen network
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