Boo boo Talks Fire Starter on TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN Set

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Boo boo Talks Fire Starter on TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN Set

TWILIGHT series actor Boo boo Stewart (no relation to Kristen Stewart) stars as “Seth” in ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWN PART 1, and now BREAKING DAWN PART 2 which opens in select theaters tonight. Hollywood Junket reporter, Jaclyn Ashley interviewed the young actor about his experiences working on the film and his upcoming projects.

Stewart stated that his favorite part about being part of the TWILIGHT film franchise was being on the sets and filming. He said that when the wedding scene was being filmed, he was on set from 5pm to sunrise. According to Stewart, it was so cold on set that “we had big jackets on. Suddenly we smelled something burning and we look up and someone’s jacket was melting because they were standing next to the heater too close. But you wouldn’t feel it because you were so cold. We all had a really good time. It was fun,” said Stewart

How does he train for his wolf pack action and fighting scenes? Stewart said that he actually works-out with his Mother. Alhough embarrassed by the fact, Stewart said it’s because she was a professional fitness competitor.

Stewart’s upcoming films being released inclue: White Frog, Space Warriors, Running Deer, Double Store. He can also be seen in the upcoming film based on a famous fairy tale called “Hansel and Gretel.” Stewart said that he wanted to work on the film becaudse he wanted to work with the director (David DeCoteau) who is famous for making movies in four days. “He actually did it in two days” said Stewart.



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