The Kiss that Broke a Record on THE BACHELORETTE Season 20 Week 2 Recap
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July 13, 2023Brayden’s Rose Debacle on THE BACHELORETTE Season 20 Week 3 Recap
The ongoing drama with Bradyen on “The Bachelorette” season 20 continued in week three’s episode on ABC. The show paid tribute to the much hyped-up “Barbie” movie with a group date that required the men to take-on their best Ken alter-egos while singing to their Bachelorette, Charity Lawson in front of a live crowd. Many of the men could not hold a tune, but gave their best efforts and compensated in other ways. For Sean, it was kissing Charity and he won!
Some of the men’s true colors came out (that wasn’t pink)! One being the most unsuspecting, Warwick who during their one-on-one date, told Charity he actually tries to avoid getting into relationships. Obviously, he went home after that!
Then, the second bomb was dropped by Brayden who disclosed to the men that he wasn’t sure if he’d be ready to get down on one knee at the end being that Charity has been dating 20 of his friends!
Brayden had already told Charity the exact same thing during their one-on-one date when they talked after their helicopter ride to their new location in Oceanside. The crazy thing is that Aaron B. spun this back to Charity in a way that after she heard it from him, it gave her reason for much concern and doubts about Brayden.
The other problem was that she had already given Brayden a rose from their date earlier. Was she going to take this rose back? That was the big debate by the end of the episode.
Charity came to see the men the morning after cutting the bar-b-cue short from last week’s episode. She apologized and told them that she believes her husband is there. “I have made a very big decision, and I can’t do this anymore here in L.A.” She told them that they’re heading to Oceanside, Ca.
Because Charity was there, and not ‘Bachelorette host Jesse Palmer making this announcement, that meant Charity was taking one suitor on this week’s first one-on-one date starting right then and there. That date was a ride in a helicopter. To make the guys even more annoyed with Brayden. Yep, Charity chose Brayden for that date!

Pictured: CHARITY LAWSON, BRAYDEN / Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin
Charity and Brayden flew over San Diego near Brayden’s hometown of North County San Diego then landed in the Petco Park baseball park. They had the whole park to themselves (with the mascot). Lol! In the meantime, the rest of the men traveled in a bus to their hotel at the Seabird Hotel.
After playing catch with each other, Charity was hoping that the date would reset their chemistry after hearing that he wanted to leave after the longest kiss date last week. The two shared their own long kiss on the field!
During their time on the baseball field while sipping some champagne, Brayden got honest with Charity. He told her that he has moments of doubts of if he can keep “doing this.” He said he doesn’t want to hurt Charity. She responded that if she feels the connection with someone and they aren’t meeting her, then “that’s scary.” She doesn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t think she’s a priority and is worth fighting for. Otherwise, she’ll say goodbye to Brayden.
Back at the hotel: The Group Date card arrived with these names: Joey, Aaron B. Michal, James, Caleb,. Aaron S. Sean Xaxier, Tanner, Adrian, Duton, John. The date card read – “Ken you feel the love tonight – Charity.
That meant that Warwick got the one-on-one date. John was a bit jealous. Xaiver didn’t sugar coat his response when he said, “Warwick, I’m happy for you but I’m kind of confused how she’s moving.”
Back to Charity and Brayden: Charity told Brayden that last week it did make her nervous when Brayden wanted to leave. He said he’s scared because she is dating other people. He essentially told her that “it’s hard” because he’s walking back into the trauma of being cheated on.
In his confessional, Brayden said it happend with the only person he had been in love with in his life. Brayden also said he doesn’t want to give Charity this expectation “that I can 100% do this.”
Brayden told Charity that he’s going to try for her because he really likes her. Brayden wrote on a baseball, “you’re worth trying for.” It was exactly what Charity wanted to hear. She wrote Brayden a note on a baseball as well. Charity liked that Brayden was vulnerable and proceeded to give him the date rose.
Ken Identities!

Pictured: SEAN, CHARITY LAWSON / Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin
The group date card read: “Ken you feel the love tonight?” It was a “Barbie” themed date where the group all went inside a space that was decked out like Barbie’s. The event was hosted by Jojo and Jordan. There was a small placement ad for the new “Barbie” movie where the men watched a video message from one of the movie’s actors Simu Liu. He told Charity that he’s really rooting for her and hopes it works out.
Then, the men got the challenge of the date. They had to choose their own “Ken look” or outfit to wear for their performances while they sang “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” while replacing the lyrics. Duton said one of his greatest fears is public singing.
The men had to perform in front of a huge outdoor crowd at the “Barbie Beach Concert.” The audience of fans were screaming “Charity, Charity!!” Jordan announced that the winner would get to spend some alone time with Charity after the show. Sean set his sights on winning this talent show because, “this one-on-one means everything to me.”
Duton was the first to perform on stage. He had the Ken astronaut outfit on. Charity, who joined the judging panel with Jojo and Jordan, said she was looking for someone that’s going to lead with confidence. Charity joined Duton onstage and had a great time.
As the show continued, one thing was evident, almost all of the men could NOT sing! Adrian sang “I’m off-beat. But, I’m the freestyle king.” Joey was Rollerblade Ken. Caleb was cowboy Ken and the only one that could actually sing. But, how many points did he score? Sean had to strategize quickly. Sean said he “sucks at singing” and his plan was to get the crowd so loud so no one could hear his voice.
What worked for Charity was Sean’s confidence and he kissed her at the end. He was the winner of the Ken performance challenge. Thus, Sean got to take a romantic walk down the pier with Charity while the rest of the men went back to the hotel. Sean shared the sweet sentiment that he hasn’t had these feelings in a while and the two kissed.
When Sean rejoined the men who were sitting around talking about him, he came in singing his “winning” song. The men were down in the dumps. Sean proceeded to rub it in by sharing details about his alone time with Charity. Aaron S. asked if Sean is the only child! And told him to have a slice of humble pie.
Then Charity came to see the men and told them that she can’t wait to make more connections. Sean quickly stole Charity away to spend more time with her. This really got under the other mens’ skin. Adrian said “what just happened was kinda crazy.” When Sean came back, the men tried to kick him out. James told Sean that he hasn’t gotten to talk to Charity since last Wednesday and worried about going home.
John’s game plan was to block out all the distractions and to just focus on Charity. Hence, he only talked about him and Charity during their alone time. Charity said John makes her feel comfortable.
Tears Were Flowing:
Charity had a surprise for Dotun when she took him up to her room. He told her that she gave him something that he didn’t have in his previous relationships. He said something was missing. Dotun wants to learn from other people and seeing her interact, it’s something that he can learn from. He called her “such a competent person.” It makes him feel some type of way. He said he’s watching her become his ideal woman. That brought Charity to tears because she doesn’t get told that stuff a lot.
Dotun said he feels like Charity is a kindred spirit which is powerful and something he’s been looking for. Charity said she’s so excited for what’s to come with Dotun. She gave Dotun the Group Date rose.
While Warwick got ready for his one-on-one date with Charity, the men noticed how Warwick was flying under the radar. Aaron was getting suspicious about Warwick in that he might be a dark horse in the competition for Charity’s heart. Hmmmm…we shall see!
“Reluctant to Get into Relationships!”

Pictured: CHARITY LAWSON, WARWICK / Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin
Charity and Warwick were formally dressed-up and rode in a limo for their date. Charity said Warwick was the perfect person for the date. They arrived at Belmont Park which is a boardwalk on the pier with games and rides. Warwick’s face lit-up when Charity told him that they had the park all to themselves! As the date went along, Warwick’s young age really showed through.
Warwick is a man of very few words! When they went into the ice cream shop, Charity had to scoop her own ice cream and called it “a little disappointing.” She wished he was a gentleman. In his confessional, Warwick said he thought him and Charity were connecting. But, “amusement parks make me tired.”
During dinner, Charity tried to get Warwick to open-up about his past relationships. She asked him what his “best attribute” is in a relationship. Warwick answers “I don’t really have one specific attribute.” Charity threw him a hint “I pride myself on being a really good communicator.” Warwick said a weakness of his is communication. AND he is “somewhat reluctant to get into relationships” and something that he doesn’t really have experience in.” WHAT??!! Why is he there? After that, of course Charity didn’t give Warwick the date rose and walked him out.
Future wife dating multiple people…

Pictured (l-r) CHARITY LAWSON, BRAYDEN / Photo: ABC/Craig Sjodin
Brayden told the men about what might have been a prophetic dream where Charity took the rose off his chest and gave it to someone else. Then Brayden dropped a bomb in front of a group of men who included Adrian, Aaron B., James, and Aaron S. He said he finds it hard to get engaged to Charity after her dating 20 men. He could date her, but not sure about getting down on one knee “after this.”
Charity told the men after saying goodbye to Warwick who wasn’t ready for a relationship, that she feels so strongly about them all. Joey talked to her first and shared letters from his grandpa.
Xavier gave Charity a blanket that he knitted for her. He said he had never knitted anything for anyone. It was to give her something that shows her who he is. Brayden was next to spend some time with Charity. He proudly displayed his rose on his chest. Brayden joked how he was already planning a hometown date with her since they already spent some time in San Diego where he’s from.
Brayden was doing a happy dance after spending more time with Charity where they kissed again. The other men were NOT happy about this! Aaron B. said, “don’t walk around with a rose” if you don’t want to date with 20 other guys. Then Aaron B. “had a lot to say” to Charity when he gave her the latest Brayden update.
He told her that Brayden isn’t ready for an engagement and has been very vocal about not wanting to be there and not wanting to be with someone dating 20 of his friends. Aaron B. didn’t want to see her waste her time or get heart-broken.
Charity needed to go get a breath of fresh air. Aaron B. told Bradyen what he told Charity. Brayden replied that he knows that the connection that he has is legit. He said it’s nothing that he hasn’t already told Charity.
Charity was heated and asked to talk to Brayden in private. The other men told Aaron B. that they were now hurt by him telling Charity that at that moment because they got robbed of having their time with her.
They were right! Because Charity spent more time with Brayden to clear up what Aaron B. told her about him. Charity was feeling “very conflicted” and Jesse Palmer told the men that the Rose Ceremony would be beginning next. Brayden was worried about getting his rose taken away.
Will Brayden get his rose taken away?
Charity told Jesse that she was feeling conflicted about Bradyen. When Jesse asked her if she trusts Brayden, she answered “no.” Charity was considering possibly taking Brayden’s rose back.
Charity told the men that this week was challenging for her and she’s been honest about why she’s there and what she’s looking for. Then Charity gave them a speech that seemed heavily more meant for Brayden. She told them that the rose symbolizes that they are ready and willing to give their all. She told them that accepting the rose lets her know that they are in agreement with that.
Even though Brayden already had a rose, he was sweating it out with the rest of the men as if he didn’t have a rose.
Roses went to: Aaron B., Caleb, Xiaver, Joey, Michael, John, Sean, Tanner.
Men who already had roses: Brayden, Dotun
Men who went home: Warwick, James, Adrian, Aaron S.
Charity left the room while the men remained. She went to talk to Jesse to let him know what her decision was about Brayden. Then Charity came back to the Rose Ceremony and Jesse told the men, if they didn’t receive a rose, “say your goodbyes.”
Charity said she has a strong connection with Brayden and didn’t want to send him home prematurely. Charity said her head was saying to send him home, but her heart wanted him to stay.
NEXT WEEK: Dotun gets a one-on-one date as well as Xiaver. Then, there’s more drama between Aaron B. and. Brayden. A fight between the two erupts during the Group Date.