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January 3, 2024
Show-Stopping Greatest Showman Singer on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT: FANTASY LEAGUE Sneak-Peek!
January 11, 2024Simon Cowell Calls Out ‘Bad Mentoring’ on AMERICA’S GOT TALENT: FANTASY LEAGUE Week 2 Recap
The second week of “America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League” welcomed back some favorites from AGT seasons past, as well as a fews new acts. Viewers got to see how judge Simon Cowell landed one of the least wanted acts on his Dream Team, and a competition of similar acts between Heidi and Mel B’s dream team with danger acts featuring brothers. Comedian Preacher Lawson returned to the AGT stage as part of Howie’s Dream Team who symbolically stabbed him in the back by pushing his Golden Buzzer for a competing Team, thus landing this act on his Team Howie!
Last season’s winner, dog act Adrian Stoica & Hurricane returned to compete for another win. They opened the show.

Pictured: Adrian Stoica and Hurricane — Photo by:Trae Patton/NBC
Other acts who competed this week were: Grace Good, Piff the Magic Dragon, Drake Milligan, Ramadhani Brothers, Preacher Lawson, Vardanyan Brothers, Wes-P, Mersey Girls, and singer Sheldon Riley who did a phenomenal job on closing out the show.
Singer Drake Milligan last competed on AGT season 17 singing his original song. Drake competed again this time on Howie’s Dream Team and chose to NOT sing an original song. Last time on AGT, Drake’s songs went to number one. Howie reminded him that he “called it” and that’s why he wanted Drake on his Team
When a behind-the-scenes moment revealed Howie’s less than excited reaction after Drake told him he wasn’t singing an original song this time, Drake asked Howie why? Howie responded that in his experience, when he’s taken big risks, “it either totally crushed me or rocked me to the stratosphere.”
Drake sang a slow Country song without his band. After his performance, Howie stated with excitement, “Elvis has not left the building.” Simon responded, “that’s not my favorite song that you’ve ever done.” Simon said as a writer, he thinks Drake is better than that. He said there wasn’t a connection with Drake and that song. After Howie told Simon that it wasn’t one of Draks’ songs, Simon said that “was bad mentoring.”

Pictured: Drake Milligan — Photo by:Trae Patton/NBC
After Drake left the stage, Simon said he thinks Drake will wake up the next morning and realized that was a big mistake. Howie said he doesn’t think so. Heidi and Mel B. razed Howie about not saving Drake by using his Golden Buzzer if he really believes in Drake. Howie said he thought the audience reacted well.
Finalists last season, the Ramadhani Brothers were back, this time on Heidi’s Dream Team. Heidi said she helped them with a new set-up. This one included the brothers balancing blindfolded going from raised square platforms separated from each other. They ended out their act with a signature stunt of theirs, going up the stairs backwards. They encountered a brief mishap when the brother who was balancing the other one in the air, got a bit wobbly and almost lost his balance. The whole room was unnerved!
Simon commended the duo on “breaking through the ceiling.” Howie got “boos” from the crowd when he commented that they can “do better.” They can do so much better..with the right..” then he pressed his Golden Buzzer for them, stealing them from Heidi’s Team! Heidi did everything she could to try to block the Steal. But, ultimately lost out. All she could do was look sad and upset.
Also on Howie’s Dream Team is finalist from season 12, Preacher Lawson. He lost to Darci Lynn. In the seven years after that, Preacher has performed in every state of America, and much more. Howie said the key to his act is being really relatable.
Simon asked Howie, “you did know that Preacher was coming out tonight” before he gave away his Golden Buzzer. Preacher wasn’t thrilled about it either, stating to Howie, “I AM a comedian.” He said to be fair, they (Ramadhani Brothers) look like me with my shirt off.”
Howie told Lawson that he has charisma and he has a feeling that he will go through. Simon said “that is what I would call a winning performance” and they really like him.
Had the Ramadhani Brothers not gotten the Golden Buzzer from Howie, Mel B’s the Vardanyan Brothers would have been some fierce competition for them. They are also a danger act, originally from Armenia. They were Semi-Finalists in Britain’s Got Talent. They didn’t go to the Finals. They said they started to improve their tricks, and are now giving AGT a shot. Mel B.said they are better than the Ramadhani Brothers because their act is “more dangerous” The brothers said there is a very risky stunt in this act that it could be their last performance.
That stunt was when one brother, while standing on the ground, placed a sword in his mouth which had an insert pocket where the other brother balanced on top of another sword which fit into the other sword.
Howie said the sword on sword took it to a whole new level. Simon reacted that they had another act that was so many more levels. He advised them to take it a step up and said they haven’t improved a lot since Britain’s Got Talent. Simon told Mel B. that he doesn’t think they’ll go through.
One important thing that the at-home viewers don’t know is that while Hollywood Junket was visiting the set of AGT: Fantasy League, it took the brothers around four trys of doing this stunt! And, that’s probably the real reason why Simon didn’t think they were going through.
Variety act Wes-P landed on Simon’s Dream Team by default., He was the last pick left. Simon reacted “I’m not doing this.” Then said he’d make it work, he’ll make his act win. Lol. Wes-P’s act consisted on him attaching clips to his nipples, then de-robing, getting fully naked on stage while holding up a balloon over his private parts, then finishing his act off by lighting some sticks on fire with his nipples while the sticks spun.
Mel B. was upset and hit her Buzzer. She said because she wasted 4 mins of her life watching that act. We had two guys balancing on swords, and Wes P’s act was not dangerous. Simon tried to garner the support of the audience for Wes P. But., it just wasn’t happening. Simon said he may not be your cup of tea, but they look for things that are unique, and he’s funny.

Pictured: Sheldon Riley– Photo by:Trae Patton/NBC
Singer Sheldon Riley is on Mel B’s Dream Team. He lost out to Christina Rae during 2020 on AGT season 15 after he had to perform from Australia in the Quarter Finals. Part of Sheldon’s act is hiding his face. He said he is not comfortable showing his face, so he hides behind masks. Sheldon was a finalist on Euro Vision and has been on Vogue, and other magazines.
As part of his Fantasy League act, he promised Mel B. to MAYBE take off his mask, which he did midway through. Mel B. was so excited. Sheldon was all smiles and told Mel B. that his performance and taking the mask off felt so good. Heidi told him he looks “gorgeous.” Howie said “the hurdles that we have inside ourselves.” Not only did he step it up but he did something incredible for the world. Simon called him “a proper frontman singer” and “welcome back.”
The first acts to hear their results were the Vardanyan Brothers vs. Wes P. It was the Vardanyan Brothers who went through!Next, Mersey Girls vs. Sheldon Riley. The act who moved to the Semi Finals was Sheldon Riley!
Only three spots were left. Piff the Magic Dragon vs. Grace Good. The third spot into the Semi Finals went to Grace Good.
Preacher Lawson, Drake Miligan, Adrian Stoica and Hurricane were the last three acts. The next act who went into the Semi-Finals was Adrian Stoica and Hurricane.
The last two acts, both on Howie’s Team, were Preacher Lawson and Drake Miligan. The last spot went to Preacher Lawson.The Rhamadahni Brothers got the Golden Buzzer and are going to The FInals.