It’s Better in the Dark FACE OFF Sneak-Peek Photos!
March 5, 2013
Hunt For THE X FACTOR Is On – Season 3 Auditions
March 11, 2013A show that’s uniquely built for today – home viewing audiences can buy products from their tablets as they see fresh designs from upcoming talented contestants come down the runway on NBC’s second season of fashion competition show “Fashion Star.”
In a recent press conference interview “Fashion Star” Executive Producer Ben Silverman and host Louise Roe talked about what’s new about this season and what to expect.
More Drama For Mentors:
Silverman stated “we felt the buyers really playing the game was amazing. We’ll see more of that. In this season, you’ll see that level of bidding and buying is exceptional. You’ll see there will be multiple bidders.”
The main change made to the show’s format is not only will mentors be selecting teams to mentor, (a “The Voice” scenario) but will also be more “heavily invested” in the designers.” The mentors have teams and are actively participating every week and trying g to get the designers connected more with getting their designs bought. Silverman said, “we had them pick people that they’d work with and really be rooting for them. Every week there is drama for the contestants who get voted off. We wanted that same drama for the mentors.” Overall, the mentors will be more aggressively pushing their designers to the buyers this season.
Louise Talks Fashion Guests and Getting Attached:
Roe who is a fashion journalist said that another major change to “Fashion Star” this season is television viewers who had to wait until the end of the show before they could go online to buy their favorite fashions that the buyers – Macy’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, or Express (H & M last season) purchase to display in their stores, now viewers can buy them as soon as the buyers do.
Mentors Interviews on Season 2 of FASHION STAR!
Roe stated, “instead of waiting until the end of the show, you can buy them immediately at home as soon as the buyers buy them.” She also promised that there will be “more drama on stage” this season. What Roe has observed during her time on “Fashion Star”, are designers that are able to hold their own as far as keeping their own style woven into mass demand where others are really challenged on the issue. “Jessica and Jon really helped d their teams with that,” said Roe. She also stated that there will be some special guests from various areas of the fashion world stopping by “Fashion Star” to advise the designers. One will be Glamor Fashion Editor Susan. Roe said Susan helped them with how their designs will be perceived by the press. “They got some excellent tips from her” said Roe.
Sneak-Peek at the Designs – FASHION STAR season 2!
Fashion For a New Age:
Silverman stated that everyone recognizes that in the year 2013 there is a lot of noise out there and how difficult it is to break into everything. “They are getting an ultimate boot camp not only in fashion development but in brand development. That relationship of brand to personality is more profound in the personality. That also creates authenticity.” As for the designers this season, Silverman said that they had an “amazingly diverse group of people”. He said viewers will see it reflected in the clothing in how good the quality is and the amount of money that the buyers are spending this season. “Episode one will tell you a lot because there were multiple sells” said Silverman.
Roe said that although her job requires her to be biased, she did get attached to the designers on the series. “It’s hard because I really root for them even though I’m not supposed to be biased. More than one person gave up their full time job to be on the show” said Roe.
Some challenges this season will include: “Sex Sells,” and another one on “all shapes and sizes internationally because men and women are of all sizes all over the world” Silverman stated.
EXCLUSIVE Set Report on Sexy episode of FASHION STAR here!
Out of the over ten thousand designers who applied to be on “Fashion Star” this season, only thirteen were chosen for the show to compete for a chance to win $3 million dollar prize in orders of launching their original collections in three of the retailers – Macy’s Saks Fifth Avenue, Express stores nation wide. “Fashion Star” premieres Friday March 9 at 8 pm on NBC.