Gwen’s Support of One Team Member While Dissing the Other! THE VOICE 24 LIVE SHOW Top 12 RESULTS!
December 6, 2023
Reba McEntire’s Favorite Song Surprise and THE VOICE Season 24 Finale Winner Revealed!
December 19, 2023Fan Week and Taylor Swift Trios on THE VOICE 24 Semi Finals Top 5 Revealed!
“The Voice” season 24 Top 9 artists performed fan-picked songs on Monday’s performance show along with trio performances of Taylor Swift songs.
Tuesday’s Results show pushed only five artists through to next week’s finals show. Gwen had one artist with Bias, Reba’s three artists were Jacquie Roar, Ruby Leigh and Jordan Rainer. Naill also with three artists – Nini Iris, Mara Justine, and Huntley. John Legend came in with Mac Royals and Lila Ford.
Team Reba’s 16-year-old artist Ruby Leigh was up first. Ruby’s fan pick song was perfect for her – “Country Road” by John Denver. Reba had Ruby “Rubyfied” the song with her signature yodels.
Ruby absolutely KILLED it with this performance from note one! John told her he’s been a fan since “day one.” He loved her high chest notes! Reba stated that it was a “get it going quick!”
Not surprising that Ruby Leigh was one of the first artists revealed as moving to next week’s Finals on Tuesday’s Results show.
Trio Lila Ford, Huntley, and Mac Royals got “Exile” by Taylor Swift. Huntley opened up the performance with his fire signature tone. Later joined by Mac and Lila. It was a stellar performance by all three which should have moved all three forward, but America fell short by missing out on voting Mac Royals through, while Huntley and Lila are in the Top 5.
Team Gwen’s Bias got fan selected song, “Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts. Bias said his Broken Road was being in Nashville and not knowing what to do with his life. He teared-up while talking about having the support of his wife who motivated him to audition for “The Voice.”

Pictured: (l-r) BIAS, Carson Daly — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC
Gwen was excited that Bias is on her Team. She said Bias’ voice “is so gorgeous” and he has “such great stage presence.” She said Bias is “authentic” and America loves him.
Jacquie performed Chris Daughtery’s version of “Alive” by Sia. This was a very different choice in song for the Country Mega coach Reba McEntire who was standing up while Jacquie held out some really high, tough notes.
John said Sia’s songs are “very challenging” and that Jacquie “knocked it out of the park.” He also noted that it was astounding to see her full range.” Reba observed Jacquei walking down the stairs singing that song – “that was hard to do.”
Jordan Rainer brought the Country sound back to Team Reba with a Blake Shelton Country tune called “Old Red” and wearing her signature sunglasses while repping South East Oklahoma. Jordan said she’s played at Old Red. Gwen reacted “that’s my home, that’s where I live” She said she could not imagine a female doing that song. But “that was crazy” and Jordan delivered.
Reba said Jordan did Oklahoma, no “all of America proud” and “way to go!” She also “tackled the stairs.” Jordan mentioned that she was “scared to death.”
Team Niall’s Huntley sang “Way Down” song. John said he likes when Huntley described himself as Joe Cocker meets Hozier and he sees where Huntley wants to go as an artist. “It’s compelling and I’m a fan.” Huntley’s coach Niall Horan, called Huntley’s performance “incredible.” They both agree on their love for classic rock. Niall said the fans picked the perfect song for Huntly and that song was on their list.
After Mara Justine from Team Niall performed, her previous coach, John Legend, said Mara is hitting notes that he’s never heard her hit and it was her best vocal performance. John said he had some regrets that she’s not on his Team anymore. Niall said he was so proud of his Team and told her the confidence that she’s gained since the Top 12 is unbelievable.
Mac Royals sang “Love T.K.O.” Reba stated that she remembered when they were doing the Blinds and Mac came out with his shades, compared to him now. She said he has “soared” and she’s so proud of him. John said he sings like a pro, like a star, like an R&B Mega Star. John also told Mac to embrace the fans and he “is killing it every single week.”
Nini Iris from Team Niall sang “No Time to Die.” Carson said that felt like a James Bond sequence. Gwen reacted that she was blown away and Nini “so tasteful in the way she does the songs. “You are so talented, whatever happens, I’ll root for you outside the show.” Niall said her ability to know who she is as an artist is unbelievable and she “Ninified” that song, doing it differently than how Billie Eilish did it. He ended with he’s already bought her album 15 times.
Lila Ford from Team Legend sang “River” by Joni Mitchell while playing the piano. Apparently a favorite song on “The Voice,” and John stuck with what worked for Lila last week by having her perform on the piano again this week.
Lila received a standing ovation from the coaches. Reba told her that she has to feel so good after that performance and she’s glad that she didn’t listen to those people who told her she didn’t have what it takes. She touched their hearts, Reba said. John said she stopped the show again and made it her own show again. While tearing up, John told her it was absolutely “stunning.”
LIVE ELIMINATIONS: TOP 5 Finalists Revealed!
Niall Horan opened Tuesday’s Results show with a performance. He was joined by John Legend singing “Gravity.”
America voted for their favorites after Monday night’s performances that would reveal the top four spots. The last and fifth spot would be determined by the Instant Save Vote.
The Top 9 entered “The Voice” stage to hear the first Results. The advice that Team Niall’s Huntley said he’d give to other artists is “there’s a lot of setbacks” and be prepared for that opportunity. Lila Ford talked about closing Monday’s night’s performance show. She said it was an honor closing the show with that Joni Mitchell song and dedicated it to those who are struggling during the holidays.
Jordan thanked her community and America, “thank you for embracing me as I am. I know I’m definitely a handful.”
The first artist’s name that Carson revealed as a finalist was: Lila Ford from Team Legend!
Reba said she’s been “having a blast” doing the show. Niall said in regards to coaching his Team, a lot of it is about song choice so they can feel comfortable performing on a Live stage.
Carson Daly asked Gwen Stefani about being on the show with a Country artist as her only Team member. Gwen said she didn’t even know if she was going to press her button. “It’s been a journey. But, in a good way.”
It’s John Legend’s eighth Final now on “The Voice.” How does he encourage his Team? John said this is his best season that he’s been a part of. He encourages his Team to not out-sing everyone and to be the best version of themselves.
The eight remaining artists returned to the stage to hear the next voting result. Daly asked Bias what he wants America to know about him as an artist. Bias thanked Gwen and America for accepting him with open arms. After Monday’s performance show, is Bias a Swiftee now? Bias said yes he is.
Mac sang the Teddy Pentagras song and his message to his new female fans was “big love” while making a heart shape with his hand. Ruby told aspiring artists that coming from a town of 68 people, opportunities are not abundant for her and she thanked her coach Reba.
The second Finalist announced was Huntley from Team Niall! Huntley was shocked, and ecstatic as he rushed over to his coach Niall to give a hug.
The next artist moving on to the Finals was Ruby Leigh from Team Reba! Reba told her “way to go girl! Way to go!”
John Legend performed his Christmas song before more voting results were revealed.
Mara thanked her coach John and was thankful that everyone has been able to see her grow on the show and if she makes it through she’d like to show a softer side of herself as well as a rocker side.
Jacquie sent a message to her girls, Leilani and Georgia, that she loves them so much and supports every dream that they have. No matter how many nos they’ll have, they will get a “yes.”
Daly asked Nini the biggest lesson she’s learned about herself? Nini answered that to be a great performer, you also have to be a great story teller and she learned that from her coach Niall.
The fourth artist voted into the Finals was Mara Justine! After jumping with excitement and hugging her coach, she hugged and thanked all of the coaches. That made two artists in the Finals for Team Niall.

THE VOICE — ” Pictured: (l-r) Huntley, Niall Horan, Mara Justine — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC
The bottom four artists were: Nini Iris, Bias, Jacquie Roar and Jordan Rainer. Nini Iris was up first to sing her Instant Save song. Nini sang “Mad World.” Niall reacted that he couldn’t believe that she’s in this position, and talent prevails. “We got a real deal artist!”
Bias from Team Gwen sang next. He sang a slow song that may not have helped to move him forward from the jump since Bias has traditionally done well on “The Voice” with upbeat songs where he’s bouncing around the stage. Gwen told Bias that no matter what happens he’s definitely spoken to her and America.
Jacquie Roar sang “Alone” for her Instant Save song. Reba reacted “GIRRRLLL…as John would say, you are Sannging tonight!” She said if America doesn’t for her through she doesn’t know what’s wrong because Jacquie is a star!
Jordan Rainer sang “I Don’t Dance.” It was Jordan’s second week in a row being up for the Instant Save vote. Reba told her she’s a powerhouse, a force of nature. We see a different side of Jordan every time she comes on the stage.
Mac Royals performed next. John said Mac has been giving us “exquisite beautiful R&B music every week.” He told Mac that he is so special and he belongs in the industry and belongs in the finale of “The Voice.”
All four artists reconvened to the stage to wait for the voting results.
Before the fifth and final spot was revealed from the Instant Save vote, the artists and coaches gave their potential final words to each other.
Nini told Niall that she’s learned so much and has had so much fun. Niall has no doubts that she will “sell lots of records.” Bias thanked Gwen for building his confidence. Gwen said if America doesn’t vote him through they’re crazy!
Jacquie thanked Reba for giving her sound advice and allowing her to email her. Reba said everyone on “The Voice” loves her and her talent. Reba’s second artist up for the Instant Save vote, Jordan Rainer told Reba that she was her “first prized yes.” Reba responded that Jordan is so different and she is what “we need in Country music. Never stop.”
Team Legend’s Mac Royals said he’s been fighting for the same dream ever since he was a child. “John Legend is the most genuine person in this industry,” said Mac. John reacted that he was thrilled by Mac’s talent and he is so much of what R&B needs right now.
INSTANT SAVE WINNER: Jacquie Roar from Team Reba.
Lila Ford (Team Legend)
Huntley, Mara Justine (Niall Horan)
Ruby Leigh, Jacquie Roar (Team Reba)