Lea’s Got Beef With Maria on THE BACHELOR Season 28 Week 4 Recap!
February 14, 2024Common Sense Logic at Play on THE 1% CLUB Sneak-Peek EXCLUSIVE!
February 20, 2024“The Bachelor” season 28 episode six opened with Joey having some doubts about his current pool of daters, and painful flashbacks from Charity Lawson’s season when he was rejected at the Final Rose ceremony.
Joey commented that the stress of it all was affecting him so much, he wasn’t being himself. Hmmm….that also brings us to another flashback from Charity’s season when his Uncle verbally called-out Joey for not being himself after a tennis game.
There were two women who were eliminated this week BEFORE the Rose Ceremony. One woman self-eliminated due to her tight timeline of starting a family, and the other woman was sent home by Joey based off of his lack of chemistry with her.
We also saw the self-defeatism of Lea who surely had a greater hold of her journey on “The Bachelor” than the other women when she was gifted the date card to Steal someone’s one-on-one date. Then didn’t use it! The sad thing was that Lea couldn’t even own-up to her own self-sabotage!
Host Jesse Palmer had some news for the ten women remaining, that they would be divided-up with one group date and TWO one-on-one dates this week! He did them the favor of not having them agonize through the week on who was getting the second one-on-one by presenting the group date first.
The names on the group date card were: Daisy, Katelyn, Kelsey A., Jenn, Rachel, Lexi, Lea, and Jess. That meant that Maria, and Kelsey T. were getting the two one-on-one dates. The dates this week were in Montreal, Canada. Natives to Canada, both Jesse Palmer and Maria, used this opportunity to show-off their French language skills.
During their date while making Poutines, a Canadian dish. Jenn was being fun and flirty with Joey, while Kelsey A. was feeling unseen. Jess was tired of always being on a group date with Joey.
During the After Party, Joey noted that the women seemed sad. He said he’s looking into his inner feelings to help make decisions on the right partner. Kelsey got her doubts resolved after talking to Joey face-to-face.
Lexi got an awakening with Joey after asking him what his timeline was for having kids. When Joey said three to four years into the future, Lexi, who’s ready right now, had some second thoughts about Joey and stated that her situation is “complicated.”
She and Jenn both told Joey that they are falling for him during their alone time with Joey. He confirmed, during his interview, that he wasn’t ready to say it. At least Lexi and Jenn didn’t get the response from Joey that Jess did! Read below…
An After Party Exit:
When Jess told Joey that she’s also falling for him, his reaction wasn’t the best. He told Jess that he’s “just not able to get there” with her. Then the honesty continued when he told her he didn’t think it was right to keep her there. Thus, Joey proceeded to walk Jess out.
Joey rejoined the women and told them that Jess was sent home, then gave the group date rose to Jenn.
Joey took Kelsey T. on a Cirque du Soleil date where they learned a romantic aerial act from an aerial specialist. At dinner, Kelsey revealed to Joey how her father spaced himself from her because she went to college instead of being in his chosen religion. It affected her trust in men after that. Joey gave Kelsey T. the date rose. She said she can see herself falling in love with him.
It was Maria’s turn for her one-on-one date with Joey. After hearing about Kelsey T’s aerial date, she was worried of having to jump out of a plane based off of her date card. However, Maria got the shopping date! We all know what that means! Almost every woman in ‘Bachelor history who has gotten this date has either been the final pick, or runner up! Maria told Joey that she’s falling for him in ways that she didn’t expect. Joey was starting to feel like he could let go of his worries, and said “I know I’m going to find my wife.”
Another Exit BEFORE the Rose Ceremony:
Lexi went to Joey’s room to tell him that she wasn’t going to stay in lieu of hearing him say he’s planning on kids later down the road which wasn’t the best time frame for her, being that she’s in her 30s, with endometriosis.
It was difficult for Joey to say goodbye to Lexi because Joey said he could see her as his wife during their date in Malta. Joey was questioning if he’d be able to go forward.
Joey had the women worried with his downer speech. They each got some alone time with Joey where they made sure to make him feel loved and wanted.
Jenn had the original idea to teach Joey some chords on the piano. The only awkward problem was that it happened in the main room where the rest of the women awaited their turn to also talk to Joey.
The women were really freaked-out when they saw that Joey would be handing out only three roses!
The first rose was given to: Daisy. Then – Kelsey A., and finally Rachel.
Women who already had roses: Jenn, Maria, Kelsey T.
The women who went home were: Katelyn and Lea.
Ironically, Lea said she was never given that time with Joey! WHAT? Lea was literally given a Steal a One-on-One date card on night one, and decided to burn it in the fireplace!
As Lea rode away in her exit car, a producer asked if she had any regrets! LOL!
The romantic journey, a.k.a. “The Bachelor” continues next week in Jasper!