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June 30, 2023Simon Cowell remained voiceless for much of the fifth week of “America’s Got Talent’ season 18 week 5 auditions. Things were looking up once production gave him a voice machine that was loaded with hundreds of his quotes from over the seasons on AGT. This allowed for Simon to hit a button to play his own voice of the comment that he selected from the box.
There are only two judges left who still have their Golden Buzzers and they are Heidi Klum and Sofia Vergara. Unfortunately, neither of them decided to use their Golden Buzzer on any of the contestants in this episode. There were a lot of exceptional singers and a slew of magicians. The judges were pleasantly surprised by an original comic act that interjected a keyboard into his audition.
The first act of the episode was a surprise family act who blew everyone away with their talent!

Pictured: Sharpe Family Singers — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC
First up was a group of family singers. Mom said they’ve been wanting to get on AGT for years, and now they’re finally having their chance. The kids have been singing since birth and they sing everywhere. Mom and dad performed together 30 years ago and had their first kiss on stage because it was part of the show. They sang a theater music number and it was really good!
They got a huge reaction from the audience and a standing ovation from all the judges! Sofia called it “perfection” and “you don’t even look real.” Howie said musical theater isn’t his jam. But, listening to them and they’re a family. It became his jam. Heidi told them that they are living her dream. She would love to do that with her family. Heidi told them their “voices melted.” Simon called it All American. Having Sofia as his interpreter, she didn’t get it when he told them “apple pie.” Lol
Simon got an automated voice speaker box in order to communicate with the acts. The box was loaded with his past comments on the show. Simon loved his new gadget.
Adrian came from Italy to AGT with his pet dog. He explained that he is a dog coach. The act was flawless. His dog, Hurricane, didn’t miss a beat. Heidi told him that the routine was unbelievable. Sofia loved it and noted that the dog had to do so many things. Howie noticed that Adrian wasn’t cuing Hurricane on a lot of things, and it was great because the dog was still going after Adrian had left the stage. Through his speaker box, Simon made the voice selection to call Adrian one of his favorite auditions of the entire year.
CHEN LEI (Hand Balance Act)
Chen was born in China and currently living in Las Vegas. He trains from 6 am to 9 pm. He said he’s the only person in America who does what he was about to perform. Chen hoisted himself high above the stage to balance on top of multiple sky high balancing sticks. Everyone was super impressed and Chen got cheers and roars from the audience.
Howie said they have seen a lot of hand balancers. But, he did things that they haven’t seen before. Heidi said she saw things, like when he dislocated his shoulder and it seemed impossible. Sofia told him he was so in control, it’s dangerous and the most fun she’s had all night. She said he should already be in Las Vegas. Simon said it’s on another level and called it one of his favorite performances. Chen got four “yes” votes.

Pictured: Trailer Flowers — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC
Brooke and Jackie are 27 and 25 years old. They explained to the judges that they randomly became roommates and found out that they went to rival high schools from the same town and never met until they went to Nashville. She said AGT was her grandpa’s favorite show. Their dream is to go on tour and sell tons of records. After starting their performance, Simon interrupted them to request they perform their second song. It was an original Country song. Straight away, they sounded much better.
Sofia said it was the best thing for Simon to ask for that second song because it was better. Howie had some criticism. He said he thought… Simon told Howie to “shut up.” Howie continued. “you’re very good. Good isn’t what we’re looking for. Great is what we’re looking for.”
Heidi liked that they supported each other and harmonized. She said they remind her of her and Sofia. Simon said “people are going to like you. I loved that audition.” Howie reacted that it didn’t blow him away and voted “no.” The audience booed Howie. Heidi, Sofia and Simon voted “yes.”

Pictured: Erica Coffelt — Photo by: Casey Durkin/NBC
Erica, who is 36-years-old, is a self taught dancer. She said in college, she put dance on the back burner to focus on her career. Erica wants to prove to her kids that she didn’t give up. Erica got on the AGT stage and danced freestyle hip hop. She was not only really good, it also took a lot of courage for her to perform without any formal training. Simon was the first judge to give Erica a standing ovation.
Howie asked her what she was thinking. Erica said this has always been her dream. She started doing dances to entertain her daughter during Covid. Sofia was honest in telling her she didn’t have much hope for her in the beginning. But, she thought Erica was “fantastic.” Simon reacted “you’re what this show is all about.” Heidi said she was “rocking out” with her and she left her wanting more. Howie stated that the joy of her hip hop dancing is contagious. He voted “yes” for Erica. Simon said “four thousand yes’s!”
RYLAND (Magician)

Pictured: Ryland — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC
Ryland is ten years old from England. Simon was super excited that Ryland was from England that he couldn’t stop clapping. Ryland said he’s a magician and has been doing it since he was two years old.
Ryland’s trick revealed the word “scam” from number cards selected by the four judges. Somehow, Ryland got to the judges table before the show to paint the word “scam” everywhere. Howie said “we love magicians here.” It’s more than magic, Howie called him talented and funny. Sofia told him he’s comfortable up there and he’s having a great time. Simon got his voice back, and said “Ryland, you have given me almost my voice back. Which means you really have magic powers.” Simon asked Ryland what his dream is. He answered that he wants a show in Las Vegas like Penn & Teller.
The next act wore a Michael Myers costume and stood on stage silent.
M (Music)
This act was dressed in a Michael Myers costume (from “Halloween” movies). He uncovered a piano on stage and began to play. Then a second man in the exact same costume popped-up behind the judges and scared them. He joined the other “Michael Myers” on stage and began to dance once the piano player started playing “A Thousand Miles” song. Heidi hit her “x” buzzer. Then Simon hit his. Howie said he was waiting for something and doesn’t think he got it. Sofia said she liked it. She was their only “yes” vote.
BARRY BREWER JR (Comedian/Musician)

Pictured: Barry Brewer Jr — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC
He was playing basketball and tore his achilles, but didn’t want to miss the opportunity to perform on AGT. He’s from the South side of Chicago. He joked that he was going to do stand-up comedy. But he’ll be sitting. Barry told jokes while he played the keyboard.
Sofia said she’s never seen a comedian mix it up with music. Howie told Barry that he’s one of the most likeable charming people. From the moment he walked out, they liked him. Heidi said she didn’t want it to end. “It was way too short.” She doesn’t say that to many comedians. Simon told Barry that he’s funny. “Really funny.” He asked Barry ‘what is the big dream”‘ He answered to do standup comedy at the highest level possible and inspire others who come from where he comes from. Dreams come true.
JUSTIN JACKSON (Tap Dance Artist)
Justin, who’s 26-years-old, is from Montreal, Canada. His dream is to have his own show in Las Vegas. Justin said he is a “tap artist” and told the judges to go easy on him. After his stage audition, Justin got on a platform stage that was directly in front of the judges’ table and finished his performance off.
Sofia reacted that he made tap dancing “sexy, funny and modern. It was a show!” Howie said Justin “tapped into something.” He was a fan of Gregory Hines. He thinks he is loveable and people will show up to see him. Simon said Justin is so good, and then so surprised when everyone was on their feet. Simon told him that great things will happen for him when this audition ends. “You just showed everyone why hard work pays off. A master class.” Justin got four “yes” votes.
Ryan did a card trick on stage. Simon was super bored and said he hates card tricks. Heidi and Terry were on stage to assist Ryan. Simon reacted that he thought the act was boring. He gave Ryan a “no” vote. Howie said the magic is great. But, it’s all about presentation. Howie also voted “no.”
Sangsoon is from South Korea. He met a magician finalist from AGT and talked to him. He joked that he can go to AGT because he’s better than him. Lol. Sangsoon did a number of ticks with sneakers where he changed their sizes, colors, and laces while rotating them in and out of shoe boxes. Simon looked entertained.
Simon told Sangsoon that they saw a magic act earlier who was boring. He is everything that they want on the show. Sofia said his magic feels very fresh and it feels very him. Heidi loved it a lot. She said she couldn’t wait to see it again. Howie said to dazzle them, it’s a lot harder. but, he was original. Simon told Howie that he looks like Elmer Fud in the hat that he was wearing that Sangsoon threw into the audience. Sangsoon got four “yes” votes.
LACHUNE (Singer)

Pictured: Lachune — Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC
Lachune told Terry Crews backstage that she’s from a really small town where the closest Walmart is 45 minutes away. She’s 31 years old, born in South Carolina, and currently lives in Fortworth Texas for four years. She said she’s a voice teacher and student.
Simon asked her why she waited so long. Lachune said she grew up in a singing family and never pictured herself up on stage singing. She said by teaching, it kept the spark alive. Lachune said she’s there to take her own advice. “Today is about coming out, taking initiative” she said for her students.
Lachune sang “Yellow” by Coldplay. Simon told her that she has a beautiful voice and was fascinated by her. Simon said he was tempted to have her judge herself. She said if she was her student, she would be clapping for them right now. “Now you’ve got to work out what is my lane.” He said she’s a brilliant singer in a specific lane. She confirmed that and replied “yes.”
Sofia told Lachune that she loved it and “it was perfect.” Heidi said she likes that she put herself first and has a feeling that she just scratched the surface of what she can do. Howie told Lachune that her life is about to change and he’s going to start that with the first “yes” vote. Lachune got all “yes” votes. The audience loved Lachune!
Behind-the-scenes, Howie said it’s his favorite season so far.