A Buddy Movie About A Guy And His Mother – THE GUILT TRIP Movie Review
December 19, 2012
True Cowboy Wins THE X FACTOR USA Season Two!
December 20, 2012Simon Cowell introduced a special “The X Factor” tribute to the Connecticut school shooting victims at the top of the show. Past singers returned to the stage to sing “You Are Not Alone” by Michael Jackson.
“The X Factor” contestants who participated were Beatrice Miller, Diamond White, Arin Ray, Paige Thomas, CeCe Frey, Vino Alan, Emblem3 and the final three contestants – Tate Stevens, Fifth Harmony and Carly Rose Sonenclar. A child choir came out to sing along. Towards the end of the song, the child victims’ names were displayed on three background screens on stage. The number ended with the appearance of the lyrics – “You are not alone. We are here with you” displayed on the three screens.
Contestants performed two songs each. At the end of each performance, they got to see supporters in their home towns. Some were close friends, family member’s, and the occasional super-fan which is what Tate Stevens ran into.
The first performance of the night was by Carly Rose Sonenclar. Carly Rose says she’s been singing since she was two years old and wanted it. “From a very young age, I knew she was going to be a star, ” her brother Russell Sonenclar said.
Britney said to Carly, “I feel like I see a lot of myself in you I know you want it so bad and I want you to put that in your performance.” Carly said “I have to go out there and show everyone how badly I want this.”
Mentors responses:
LA – This is a defining moment and you have to top everything you’ve done, and you did!
Demi – To watch someone so young to be able to command the stage. You’re going to inspire so many girls to follow their dreams.
Simon commented to Carly after her performance that she came there to win the competition. Simon said “the first time I heard it, it blew me away. You sang it better tonight than you did the first time. And I like your competitive spirit.”
Britney – It’s shocking how bright your star is and you’re going to win this.
Whestchester mayor declared a day “Carly Rose Sonenclar day” in her town.
Tate Stevens was introduced as “The family man from West Missouri.” His parents said that he fell in love with music as a baby. Tate’s wife said that he sang to her during their first date.
LA said about Tate, “Most people don’t start their music career at age 37. He’s here to show never give up.”
After his performance, Demi said, “I still love you. I’m still obsessed with you. You turned that performance into a stadium performance.”
Simon – Demi I’m agreeing with you tonight. What I loved about you from day one is that you are made in America. You have not tried to do anything stupid. I have to have to give it to LA Reid – what an unlikely pair.
LA – You are loveable when we met you and you are lovable tonight.
When the video came-up of Tate’s home town, his boss was there. Host Mario asked Tate’s boss David, “Do you expect him back at work?” He said “hell no” We expect him to win this whole thing.”
In honor of Tate’s success, the mayor said that the town is naming the water tower after him. He showed a photo of it. It read, “Home of Tate Stevens Live the Dream”.
“Five girls with big dreams” introduced Simon’s group Fifth Harmony singing “Anything Can Happen” Simon picked this song because he said it’s when he noticed something special had happened with them.
LA – I don’t know what you did. The fist time I saw this as a group I said this can not work You were the underdogs now you are the ones to beat.
Britney – Its like magic happens when you guys perform
Demi – You guys were totally the underdogs when you performed last week but you came together.
LA added – I really believe they are a group. I don’t believe they met on The X Factor. I believe they met before this.
Simon – I’m really proud. I like sometimes being the underdog. I like that something special would happen if you guys win this competition.
Fifth Harmony’s fans in Ally’s Church in San Antonio Texas supported them and said they’d vote for them all night.
Each act will perform their favorite song of the season.
Pepsi will help produce the winner’s first video then air the video on The Grammys night.
Second Songs ——
Carly Rose performed with LeAnn Rhimes singing “How Can I live Without You.”
“I love this girl so much I just want to wrap her up!” said Rhimes. Carly responded, “One of the most fun moments I’ve had on stage.” To Rhimes, Carly said, “You made me very comfortable.”
Tate Stevens sang with “Little Big Town”country music group.
“He makes country music proud” – Said one of the singers from the group after their performance.
“The new love of my life is country music” said LA Reid.
Demi Lovato sings with “Fifth Harmony” one of her songs “Give Your Heart a Break.”
Demi said, “It was so much fun! These girls are so easy to work with. They’re down to Earth.” Members of “Fifth Harmony” responded, “She’s awesome and it’s amazing, incredible.”
Simon’s reaction to their performance was, “It pains me to say this but Demi Lovato you were sensational. That was Pop perfection. Anytime you want to join this group Demi.”
Carly sings “Hallelujah”
LA – That was a really angelic moment. You showed so much constraint. You didn’t over sing it. But you made your way up to the famous Carly Rose note. Was is a $5 million performance? It’s not up to me it’s up to America.
Demi – Your vocals impressed me so much . You not only look like an angel you performed like a ridiculously talented angel.
Simon – Love that song, beautiful version. You did great.
Britney – I think that song alone is worth $5 million so get out your check book Simon.
Supporters in Westchester, N.Y.
Tate Stevens performed he third song of the night.
Britney said, “That was great Tate but then again I always enjoy what you do.”
Demi – I’m almost crying because I realize this is the last time I’ll see you perform on the stage I’m gong to miss it.
Simon “You’re representing this older category so well. I wouldn’t worry about your day job anymore. Because I really believe that within one year we are going to be hearing about your record sales.”
LA – You’ve consistently come out and deliver. You did this for your family . they pushed you out there. You owe them a big congratulation. Because if they weren’t there to push you, we wouldn’t be blessed with this incredible performer.
Tate said of being a successful singer, “It means freedom being able to do what I love doing.”
Tates’ old high school best friend Randy was back at home rooting for him along with a crowd of others.
One Direction and Pit Bull will perform tomorrow night.
Simon introduced the all girl band – One of my favorite songs of all time – It’s Fifth Harmony
Simon said he felt sad knowing that this would be the last time he’ll be introducing the group. They sang “Let It Be” by The Beatles.
LA – You did that song a lot of justice. Britney – You guys have truly blossomed as a group and you’ve come a long way. Demi – I’m really sad that this competition is coming to an end tomorrow
Simon – I’m more than proud of you. You’re not a group You’re five great singers. I like all five.
I really believe on the finale night you deserve to win.. i really really do.