March 12, 2011
THE SINGING BEE: Third Season, Singers & The Band!
NBC’s food competition reality show, “America’s Next Great Restaurant” heats-up with episode two titled “Universal Appeal” airing Sunday night, March 13.
In last week’s episode, which was the premiere episode, the ten top food concepts were selected by judges/investors Bobby Flay, Curtis Stone, Lorena Garcia, and Steve Ells to move-on for future judging and challenges. This week’s challenge requires competitors to present their dishes to one thousand people in a make-shift outdoor food court in Universal City, Ca at City Walk.
There, their food is critiqued by show judges as well as the food taste testers who vote by placing a token into their favorite food stands voting box. The player to get the most tokens is safe from elimination for this challenge.
This week’s challenge also marks the beginning of contestants branding their vision. Contestants must not only pick a chef to cook their food ideas, but also come-up with a catchy logo that accurately conveys the food that they are selling.
Things heat-up early-on in the show when two of the contestants want to use the same chefs. One such chef works with “Hell’s Kitchen” Gordon Ramsay! The claws come out and ultimately, each chef goes to their most compatible player.
“America’s Next Great Restaurant” features an elimination process much in the same way as “Project Runway”‘s. The contestants who performed the lowest, are brought in front of the judges one-by-one to be further evaluated and critiqued. The judges then discuss each player as shots of the players are shown as they wait to hear their fate. Then, contestants are all brought back in as a group where the eliminated player hears “We will not be investing in your restaurant” from one of the judges.
Fans of food shows, treat yourself with this special blend of “Hell’s Kitchen”, “Project Runway”, “The Apprentice”, and “Top Chef” and get a craving for “America’s Next Great Restaurant”.