THE STAR NEXT DOOR: YouTube Rumor Twist!
March 9, 2012
THE CELEBRITY APPRENTICE: STAR TREK Character That Could Have Saved George Takei!
March 11, 2012
HOLLYWOOD JUNKET was on the set of Oprah Winfrey’s network game show “Are You Normal America” during the show’s filming of the first episode. In preparation, the day started out with one full show run-through with fake contestants, but real hosts Barry Poznick and Kim Coles.
Poznick introduced himself to audience members by explaining that he is also the show’s producer. He said his past work included: “Family Game Night”, “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader”, and “Lingo”. When he pitched the idea to Winfrey’s network, she said she’d do the show with only one condition- that he hosts the show as well. Poznick’s role is navigating the two contestants who are strangers until they meet on stage through opinion poll trivia while Coles maintains the ten people who sit in an off stage area called the “Poll Posse”. These people consist of about five men and five women all from different ages (21 and over) and backgrounds. One was a fast-food worker. Another one, a retired sheriff.
The role of the ‘posse is for in-between the poll questions that were asked of America, the contestants have to make guesses about this group. For instance, the $3000 trivia question was “Is it normal to have had sex in a room other than the bedroom”. Most people said yes. The ‘posse was used for a question to the contestants where they had to guess which one member of the posse had had sex in an attic. The contestants earn the next tier in the money latter of $4000 for guessing correctly. An incorrect answer earns them nothing in the tier, then they move on to the next money amount.
Poznick asks the two players one question that they must agree to answer it with “normal” or “not normal” before they lock it in. They lock-in answers by moving a lever to either the “not normal” side or the “normal” side. “Normal” is considered if out of the over 1000 people that the show polled in 50 states in America have a popular opinion on answering the same question as “normal” or not as popular vote of over fifty percent. For example, the first question was asked, “Is it normal to spy on your neighbors?” More then fifty percent of the people asked in America answered “Yes” that they have spied on their neighbors. The correct answer for the contestants was “normal”.
The duo contestants play the game at $1000 intervals until they reach $8000. If they get all of the questions correct that totals to $36,000. After that, the “bonus round” is next where they have the chance to win $70,000. However, the bonus round is broken-up into three segments. The first is that they have to select from two multiple choice answers for $10,000, then three multiple choices for $20,000, then four multiple choices for $40,000. If they get one wrong, they lose all of the bonus money. But, they get to keep their winnings from the previous round. However, if they play a clean game and get every answer correct, the grand winnings on this show is $106,00!
There is an unlikely chance that any contestant will be able to win the grand total or even the extra $10,000 or $20,000 in the bonus round for that matter. This keeps the show very low budget with most contestants potentially just walking away with the $8,000 or less from the first round.
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[…] HOLLYWOOD JUNKET was on the set of Oprah Winfrey’s network game show “Are You Normal America” during the show’s filming of the first episode. In preparation, the day started out with one full show run-through with fake contestants, but real hosts Barry Poznick and Kim Coles. Poznick introduced himself to audience members by explaining that he is also the show’s producer. He said his past work included: “Family Game Night”, “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader”, and “Lingo”. When he pitched the idea to Winfrey’s network, she said she’d do the show with only one condition..MORE here. […]