GRAMMY WINNERS From Reality Competition Shows- IDOL, THE VOICE & Movies!
February 11, 2013
Meet The Commander – ROBOT COMBAT LEAGUE “Sneak Peek”
February 12, 2013PRESS RELEASE:
In honor of Valentine’s Day,” Let’s Ask America,” the new TV game show where contestants can win up to $50K from home, features a “Valentine’s Day” episode with four couples across America Skyping in from home to play in this special edition of “Let’s Ask America” on Thursday, February 14th. Stroudsburg, PA’s Carlena and Greg Back, a High School English Teacher and College Professor, Deptford, NJ’s Kyera and Hakim Chandler, a Payroll Specialist and Middle School Teacher, Peachtree City, GA’s Kali and Suvrat Bhargave, a Child Psychiatrist and Office Manager, and New Rochelle,NY’s Mike Lieberman and Angela Neofotistos, an Insurance Broker and Medical Sales Rep, will all compete for the chance to win $50K in this special “Valentine’s Day” episode.
Some of the poll questions asked for the Valentine’s Day episode are the following:What did married men say is the worst thing NOT to have at 4 PM on Valentine’s Day? – A. Reservations, B. Gift; Who did women say they’d more likely turn to for comfort after a break up? A. Sarah McLachlan, B. Sara Lee; How did chocoholics say they decide which chocolate in the box to eat first? A. Break it Open, B. Take a Nibble C. Consult the Guide D. Randomly Pick One
Visit www.letsaskamerica.tv for local listings
Our EXCLUSIVE set visit on LET’S ASK AMERICA here: http://hllywdjnkt.co/SA6517