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March 21, 2024The Jig is Finally Up on DEAL OR NO DEAL ISLAND Episode 4 Recap
A former “Deal or No Deal” model, Claudia Jordan, fell victim to The Banker on “Deal or No Deal Island” last week and was sent home after making a Bad Deal of accepting $180,000 from The Banker, while holding $500,000 in her case!
Claudia’s nemesis, Kim Mattina, lived to survive another day on the island because Kim would have possibly been sent home by Claudia.
In this week’s episode, Kim was feeling good about still being in the game. While the group had gathered around for a chat, Amy swooped-in to pull Aron away for a private discussion.
Amy pitched Aron the idea of forming an alliance between the two of them to be the last remaining two players in the game at the end. Aaron wasn’t too receptive of the idea because he valued his alliances with Alyssa and Rob. But, he said “okay” anyway.
Rob wasn’t fond of Amy’s shady game play and planned to plant some negativity amongst the group about Amy.
This week, The Banker tested the players’ intuition and bluffs after being divided into two separate teams to compete in an Excursion that required boats and breaking off to go head-to-head with each other on opposing teams.
Two team members at a time had to race separate boats to a floating platform holding a lot of different cases. They had to grab two cases each to bring back with them to shore.

Pictured: (l-r) Aron Barbell, Jordan Fowler, Amy McCoy, Alyssa Klinzing — Photo by: Monty Brinton/NBC
The first person to make it back to the island with their cases, got to choose if they wanted to either bluff or guess their opponents’ cases. The Bluffer had to open each case and look inside without giving off which case was holding the higher monetary amount.
The Guesser had to use their intuition and read their opponents face to determine if they were bluffing them or not.
Every case chosen by either the Gold Team or the Silver Team was added to the “Deal or No Deal” game board for that evenings’ game. The team with the overall highest amount by the end, got immunity and the team leader got to select who would play against The Banker.
The opposing pairs were randomly selected. And, wouldn’t you know it, the last pair was Rob vs. Aron.

Pictured: (l-r) Jordan Fowler, Rob Mariano, Aron Barbell — Photo by: Monty Brinton/NBC
Aron strayed away from Rob who tried to sway him to throw the game in his favor so that his team would win. Ultimately, Aron pulled a reverse bluff on Rob and tricked him into selecting the lower money amount case. The winning case held $1,250,000 and gave Aron’s Team (The Silver Team) just enough to edge out the Gold Team for the win.
Amy was the Silver Team leader, thus she won immunity and chose Rob to go against the Banker after Rob was adamant about being in charge of his own fate and was able to convince Amy to choose him to play against The Banker. Otherwise, Rob would have been at the mercy of other players who would surely send him home if they won.
Rob played quite the shaky game of “Deal or No Deal ” against The Banker, opening higher amount cases that included the two highest ones, $1,500,00 and $1,250,000 within the first few cases. Rob ended up taking The Banker’s offer of $49,000 after the first round. His number 4 case held the lower amount of $500 which meant Rob made a Good Deal!
Rob had the choice of sending one of four players home who included: Stephanie, Kim, Nick or Dawson. Rob chose to send Kim home. This was a long time coming since episode one when Kim outed Rob as an infamous reality show villain to all! He never got over it and continued to hold a grudge against Kim.

Pictured: (l-r) Rob Mariano, Joe Manganiello, Kamari Love — Photo by: Monty Brinton/NBC
Kim knew it was coming and reacted that she had “nothing to say to Rob.” In Rob’s interview, he stated that if he had chosen to eliminate Stephanie, who was also a likely target after messing-up the whole group’s game play last week of trying to get Kim in the bottom, then people would know that he had game “beyond game.” So, Rob was trying to play it safe.
After Kim left, host Joe Manganiello got a random call from The Banker who wanted to know who the most trusted player was. They all agreed that it was Aron. So, Aron was requested to stay behind to learn that his fate would depend on next week’s Excursion!
To be continued…
DEAL OR NO DEAL ISLAND airs on Mondays at 10 pm PT after “The Voice” on NBC.