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December 29, 2013The world’s largest talent show “America’s Got Talent” (AGT) is returning to NBC this Spring and has already auditioned talent in the cities of Miami, Atlanta, New York, and Denver. Upcoming cities that AGT will be exploring for unique talent acts are: Huston, Indianapolis, Nashville, Greensboro, Baltimore, Providence, then finishing-up in Los Angeles.

Watch our interview with Jason Raff from AGT Season 6 below:
The Executive Producer of AGT, Jason Raff, and host Nick Cannon were available for comments of the upcoming ninth season of the show. “America’s Got Talent” is auditioning in Indianapolis this season because according to Raff they’ve had a lot of interest there, and not a lot of other shows have been there. January 25th & 26th are the dates that the show will be holding auditions in Indianapolis at Indiana Convention Center.
Tips For Auditioning:
For those that are planning to audition for the new season, Raff and Cannon gave some advice. Raff said, “You want to stand out from the crowd. You want to come out and show us what you do and just be unique. But even if you’ve never tried out for anything in your life, including like a school play or whatever, we’re really a great place to come. It’s a fun day. You hang out with us. We’re nice and you audition. At the very least you’ll have a good story to tell your friends. So it’s something I always urge people just to give it a shot. There’s so many people who’ve actually made it on the show who never really had auditioned for anything else before and they gave it a shot.”
Cannon said a big personality can get you far on the show. “If you’re not the most talented person, but you got an amazing personality, those people go pretty far on our show,” said Cannon.

Pictured (far right): AGT season 8 runner-up Taylor Williamson.
You Never Know What to Expect:
Raff says one thing that never changes about the show is that every season the winner is always a surprise from the audition to the finale.
Also – “But the one thing will always remain the same, and will always make us a great show to watch is that you never know what to expect on our show as far as talent. It is always about the people who show up. And whether you’re going to see a singer or a dancer, or someone show does something really weird with a body part of theirs, you can only really find that on our show.”
Raff also said although there are no plans to change the show’s format, they try to mix it up with audition cities and the way that the show does Vegas week and live shows. “It’s always going to be about the unique talent that we showcase” said Raff.
Biggest Surprises:
One of the surprises last season for both Raff and Cannon was comedian Taylor Williamson. “Taylor was a surprise because the judges weren’t expecting too much from him, but he got on stage and “just killed it,” said Raff. Cannon said, “I was a huge fan of his (Taylor) from the beginning, but seeing him get all the way to runner-up. That in itself – just knowing how difficult it is to make people laugh for 90 seconds at a time with new material and be fresh.”

AMERICA’S GOT TALENT judge Howard Stern
Raff said “I think like Tummy Talk. There’s always these acts. I mean, we’re all scratching our head and sometimes when they get through. But, I mean we do have four judges and we definitely this year had learned with four judges there’s four different opinions and they’re all very varied as far as what they like.” Raff also said that the range of diversity among the entertainment that was put through was different with four judges than with three.
Past AGT Acts Now in Las Vegas:
In the history of “America’s Got Talent”, has proven to produce some successful Las Vegas acts. Raff said, “If you look at Vegas right now, you will see so many acts that appeared on AGT – Terry Fator, Nathan Burton, Recycle Percussion, Jabberwocky, Popovich’s Pet Show, and others with history with AGT.” Most recently being added to the Las Vegas acts will be Kenichi Ebina – winner of AGT season 8. Also according to Raff, out of the tens of thousands of acts auditioning in front of the AGT producers, usually about 500-600 acts will go before the celebrity judges that will be returning judges: Howie Mandel, Howard Stern, Heidi Klum, and Melanie Brown.
For those who would like to audition for season nine of “America’s Got Talent” but can’t make it to any of the cities, can post their video online on the show’s Website at: http://www.agtauditions.com/
Raff said “the fact remains that we are the one show that is still open to any age and any talent. There’s no other show on TV that can say that, and the best part of the show is it’s like that old time variety show. It is the Ed Sullivan show, but in that competition format where we get to put on TV acts that would never be on national TV ever and get exposed.”