December 2, 2012
Moving-On! Top Four Semi-Finals – THE VOICE
December 4, 2012THE VOICE
Top Six
Season Three, Episode Twenty-One
Reality Competition
NBC Television 2012.
Starring; Adam Levine, Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Blake Shelton, Christina Milian, and Carson Daly.
Featuring: Amanda Brown, Terry McDermott, Trevin Hunte, Nicholas David, Cassadee Pope and Melanie Martinez.
“The Voice” host Carson Daly welcomes back the six remaining contestants – Trevin Hunte, Amanda Brown, Melanie Martinez, Terry McDermott, Cassadee Pope, and Nicholas David. Daly said, “tonight the pressure is doubled.” Contestants will sing one song they picked and one that their coaches picked.
Melanie topped the billboard last week. Adam stated, “I don’t know what it is that makes anyone successful on the show. I want everyone to be the best version of themselves. A combination of good timing.”
Cee Lo was sick this week and had to step out and was unable to help his team rehearse. His friend Pat Monahan from “Train” took over during rehearsals with his team. Cee Lo said, “I was there in spirit.” Christina’s response to having no horses left in “The Voice” race was, “It was sad to see people go. But they will go on.” She stated that now she gets to watch and enjoy the show – her favorite show. “I love Cassadee Pope,” said Christina. Blake Shelton said about the coaches style, “I think the best thing you can do at this point is to just be a friend and build a wall around them because so much is coming at these kids.”
The first performance of the night came from Nicholas David who sang “September” song chosen for him by Cee Lo. Pat advised him to “do something that isn’t comfortable.” Nicholas said he was taking a risk with that song. “To use other parts of my voice that isn’t in my ‘go-to spot.”
Sang “September” chosen by Cee Lo
“Somewhere Over the Rainbow” was Nicholas’ choice for his seconded song.
The reactions to his performance by the judges was: “I’m a fan. The hardest thing to find out who you are. I was a little disappointed in the chorus. I wanted to hear you in that,” said Adam. (Second song) “I love what you do every time. That is a song that makes everyone weak. I’m always wondering ‘what’s he going to do/’. I’m genuinely a fan of your music.”
Blake said, “Cee Lo is the only one that turned around for you and that makes me feel so dumb because you are such an important part of the show.” Christina – “You are a wonderful singer. I see you gain more and more confidence. I’d like to see something changed-up here. Hopefully Cee Lo will guide you in that direction.” That was magic and that was beautiful . Only you can do what you just did.
His coach, Cee Lo said – “The chorus – there was a big gap in that. Other than that you’re still my Nic,” said coach Cee Lo (Second song) “Nicholas man let me just tell you one thing, I support you. It’s just this unadulterated, uncategorized, intangible that you are. I’m a strong and loyal supporter of you.”
Watch Nicholas David Sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” Here
Watch Nicholas David Sing “September” Here
Cassadee said, “Country music tells such an amazing story and people can relate. There’s a lot at the end that I need to figure out…I’m going to go out there and give the best performance that I can give.”
“I’m With You” by Avril Lavine is the song Cassadee picked to sing. Blake said it is one of her all time favorite songs.
Cassadee received a standing ovation. Christina – “You won me over. You’re spot-on. I know your voice and spots. You’re on the money I love what you represent. You’re an all around true star.”
Adam – “I think you won us all over. I wasn’t as big a fan. Now I’m a fan again. I’m pissed off you didn’t pick me. Now I”m really pissed off. I want to see something a little more adventurous from you. (Second song) “That was my favorite performance of yours. I thought it lent itself to the show and your voice,” said Adam.
Blake – “I want to continue to see you what you do perfectly. If you know that record, then you know what she just did with it. She made it her own.” (Second song) “What’s happening with Cassadee is you can’t teach somebody or coach somebody to have a connection with lyrics. She has the ability to tell a story and the ability to sing really, really good. Thank you for choosing me as your coach,” Blake said.
Cee Lo (Second song) I know you can really do something when you put your hand in the air like that. You’ve had an impeccable track record. You did a great job.
Watch Cassadee Pope Sing “I’m with You” Here
Watch Cassadee Pope Sing “Stand” Here
The song that Adam chose for her was, “You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman”
“Here I Go Again” by White Snake is what Amanda picked to sing for her second song. Amanda said that she chose to sing another rock song because she got a lot of requests from Twitter and Facebook followers requesting that she sing another rock song. Her last rock song she sang was “Dream On” by Areosmith.
Adam said about ‘Natural Woman, “This song has never been done on the show.” He also said, “There’s a certain effortless that Amanda sings with.” Amanda said, “In order for me to move forward I need to convey love and passion for this song.”
Blake – “I really want to find something to criticize about but I cant you’re a world class singer.”
Cee Lo – “I appreciate and adore all women. It was wonderful. There’s nothing that I love more than seeing a woman feel natural.” (Second song) “Your just as compassionate and as fierce as ever.”
Adam – “Seeing this happen for you is so wonderful. What Cee Lo said about you being a world class singer is true. Every single person in the room knows that at this point. it was an awe inspiring performance.” (Second Song) “This is just a wish that we talked about. It just suits you because you love this. Coupling this with ‘Natural Woman because we see different ends of the spectrum.”
Christina- “I know it had Cee Lo written all over it. I love that you stuck to your rock groups it’s what you love.”
Watch Amanda Brown Sing “Here I Go Again” Here
Watch Amanda Brown Sing “Natural Woman” Here
He sang “I Wanna Know What Love Is”
Blake’s pick is “Stay With Me” by Rod Stewart
Christina – “No Doubt I feel like Blake has the strongest team. You truly bring it home. It’s so effortless how you sing. I feel you’re really amazing. You murdered it tonight. I was actually surprised and I loved it.” Cee Lo – “I thought it was a strong performance. I’m a big fan of yours”
Adam – Every time I see you perform, it’s bitter sweet because I wanted you on my team. With this song there’s no where to hide. You slayed it. You did an amazing job. (Second song) You’re probably the most consistent singer throughout the entire competition. You sing the lights out. I love that song.
Blake – I was right Terry. We did the right thing. Christina said you sounded effortlessly. I want America to know how hard that is. That was unbelievable. (Second song) That laser pitch you have and the passion. I often think, ‘oh my gush he’s starting it in that note.’ You just keep pushing it to the next level. You make it look easy and that’s the mark of a professional.
Watch Terry McDermott Sing “Stay with Me” Here
Watch Terry McDermott Sing “I Want to Know What Love Is” Here
He rehearsed with Pat Manahan in singing “Walking on Sunshine”
Cee Lo wants to pull Trevin out of his comfort zone. Trevin said it was “an instant connection” with him and Pat. Pat said, “I love Trevin’s vulnerability. It’s a flaw at some points, but it’s also a strength.”
“And I’m Telling You I”m Not Going” by Jennifer Hudson is what Trevin chose to sing for his second song.
Trevin said hopefully the upbeat song will help to push him into the next round. After his performance, Caron Daly said, “that was the last song I would expect you to sing.”
Adam said, “On paper I was kinda like what? But when you walked out here. That is the genius of Cee Lo Green! Cee Lo gets all worried, but you walked out here and killed it. (Second song) “Forget about the competition. We just enjoyed an incredible, God-given voice. The most incredible performance on The Voice ever,” said Adam.
Blake – “I love it. You’re singing along then all of a sudden you hit a big note. Gush dang-it, it’s good. That was full-on Trevin that was incredible.” (Second song)
Cee Lo – “You made me feel so much better to see you happy and moving. I hope you get it now. Hind sight is twenty-twenty. I hope you feel what the intentions are.” (Second song) “Ladies and gentlemen I’d like to have a moment of silence to mourn the rest of the competition. Trevin…Trevin..Oh my God! Dude, that was so remarkable. Thank you so much for blessing me.”
Christina – “When you hit those notes there’s something magical. The motivation you have to be in this business. I’m happy to be here and enjoy. I’d love to take you under my wing personally.”
Watch Trevin Hunte Sing “And I’m Telling You” Here
Watch Trevin Hunte Sing “Walking on Sunshine” Here
Melanie picked a song by one of the coaches – “Crazy” by Cee Lo’s Gnarls Barkley
The youngest left in the competition, Adam picked “The Show” song by Lenka. Melanie said, “This song relates to me because I am the youngest in the competition.” Adam said that it’s okay for her to be seventeen sometimes. Adam also said, “I like that she does things different. I don’t want her to pander or change it.”
Christina complimented the set designer and props department before critiquing Melanie. “What makes that song work is the sound and passion. It had a cool lullaby. It was a hair under. But ‘A’ for effort.” (Second Song) Christina said, “Jerry Soughter worked it out with the whole production. I hope you had fun with that. I see almost a Fiona throw back. Something cool. You can do that. I can hear that from you . It’s about that sultriness.”
Cee Lo – “Wow, Melanie and Adam have such great taste in music!” (Second song) “I enjoyed it. That’s probably one or the most colorful stage. It reminds me of a room in my house.”
Adam – “Melanie, there were some pitch issues. Your artistry – your so fun to watch. People want to dress like you, they want to be like you. That’s a great impact.” Adam said of her “The Show” performance, “Thank you to Christina for the indirect comment,” in reference to her compliments on the props and set. Adam said that he and Melanie worked on the set. He then continued, “If you listen to these lyrics it’s what’s gong on with you (to Melanie). You’ve established an incredible fan base. I’m just happy that you’re here.”
Blake – “It was definitely different for you Melanie. Your vocalizing of the song was great!”
Watch Melanie Martinez Sing “The Show” Here
Watch Melanie Martinez Sing “Crazy” Here
THE VOICE Season Three Top Six

THE VOICE — “Live Show” Episode 321A — Pictured: (l-r) Terry McDermott, Cassadee Pope, Carson Daly, Nicholas David, Trevin Hunte, Melanie Martinez, Amanda Brown — (Photo by: Tyler Golden/NBC)
Watch THE VOICE Season Three Top Six – Aired On Monday, December 3, 2012 Full Episode Here